My heart beats loudly in my chest as I shake my head looking around and out of the large kitchen window drinking in the sprawl of expansive land. “It’s impossible to dream this up. I’m still in shock.”

“I would be too. Raven’s Peak is a gold mine for lithium and mountain freshwater reserves. There’s a lot of potential here.”

Can I make money out of the place? If I can, why didn’t Jackson take advantage of it? That’s why so many people are interested in this place.

Keeping my thoughts to myself, I want to give myself time to explore and mull over my options, but Aiden’s probing eyes lead me to reveal what I’m thinking.

“Do you think any of the natural resources here could be turned into a business, Aiden?”

Aiden nods his head, tapping the marble kitchen bench top. “Yes. Of course they can, and that’s exactly what Jackson wanted. He was just waiting for the right timing. He was a busy man with many ventures on the go at the same time.

“Okay.” Smiling, I feel uplifted for the first time in a long time. No more shitty diner guests for me. “I’m going to stay.”

“Good. Enjoy yourself. I only live not too far in town, so give me a call if you need anything. The fridge is fully stocked, and all the amenities are here as well.”

“Okay. Thanks Aiden.” I wait until he leaves, still getting my bearings. After a glass of water, I set up my laptop, wanting to catch up on the law classes I missed. I try the kitchen first, but then remember the open study at the front of the house deciding to park myself there instead.

Just as I imagined the sun streams in through the bay window as I engross myself in my studies, the sun keeping me warm. As I type every keystroke, I start to feel more at home than ever—more so than Chicago—and I’m dumbfounded that Jackson only spent a limited amount of time at the house.

I don’t know what makes me look up, but I do, and that’s when I notice a black SUV idling beyond the gate of the house. Prickles of heat rise on the back of my neck as I wait to see if it’s going to move, but to my surprise, it doesn’t. The vehicle idles in one spot for a long minute. I don’t want to be paranoid, but all the attention earlier was bad enough.

He said I could call him. I think about Aiden’s help, but decide against it, opting to close the curtains instead. That SUV is giving me the creeps.

Chapter Four – Dimitri

He better have the answer I want to hear. I sent Viktor because that’s all I felt was necessary. Why should I need to go there myself? She’s twenty-one for fuck’s sake, and if the offer for money was big enough, then she should have gone for it.

I stop at Benny’s grabbing an egg and bacon muffin and a coffee to start the day. The gym barely took the edge off my shattered nerves. It’s been years of waiting for the old stubborn man to keel over, and now Raven’s Peak is a hair’s breadth from my greedy hands.

Sipping my coffee, I tap the back of the steel elevator wall as I travel up to the fortieth floor, the heat from my beverage burning my top lip. “Fuck!” I take it down from my mouth, realizing I’m too invested emotionally over the property as the doors open to my office floor.

This is the comeback that separates me from my father. More money and more power. Yes. More money, more power, and definitely a helluva a lot more pussy. Everywhere.

Walking into my office, I notice Viktor’s already on the inside with his back to me. When I open the door, he swivels quickly on his feet, the concerned expression on his face, not the one I want to witness.

“Morning. Did you get it done?” I bark out, tearing a bite off my egg and bacon wrap.

“No.” Swallowing it down, I glare at Viktor, wanting answers.

“Why the fuck not?” Viktor hands over still photographs I had him take while in Wisconsin. Poring over them, I stare back at the multicolored stone house and the sheer vastness of the property with misty mountains overlooking the background.Despite all these features, I can only focus on the close-up photos of a long-haired beauty sitting in the front window, the sun shining directly on her face while on her laptop. My cock rouses in my pants as I ogle the next few frames of photos.

They’re even more stunning, revealing a cute little frown of concentration on the girl’s face and parted berry-colored lips. “This. That’s the one we’re up against. Ava Knight.” Viktor taps on the glossy images as I slide each photo one by one onto my desktop.

Her beauty is impressive and has left me stalling for a second. But only for a second. I’m not about to let a twenty-one-year-old law student get in the way of me and my fortune.

“Interesting,” I murmur, not letting on to Viktor how captivating I find her. I study the last two photos he gave me in silence where I can make out the outline of her black dress. She must have just come from the funeral. “What happened when you presented the offer?”

“She barely blinked and said she would think about it,” Viktor replies, shrugging his heavy-set shoulders, his deadpan eyes giving me no clues as to why she would.

“Did she give you a reason?”

“Only that she would think about it and that she needed time to think it through. I gave her our card. There were many others there as well, and she seemed overwhelmed by them.”

Annoyed, but mildly curious, I crick my neck, thinking my plan through. “She was dumb enough to turn down millions of dollars? Did you spell it out for her? Viktor. As in really spell it out?” I push, rounding my desk and sipping my coffee, my lip still throbbing from burning it a minute ago.

“Yah. I did. I swear, but she was preoccupied for the entire funeral, and I repeated it to her, but it was as if shechecked out from what I was saying. I wanted to speak to her again and drag her away, but some other guy told everyone else to back off her.”

A surge of anger shoots through my body. “Who was it? Did you get rid of him?”