A painstaking half hour later, a dark shadow eclipses the door of the bedroom as Dimitri enters, his energy hostile and stormy. He throws his keys on the bedroom dresser, his icy blue eyes glaring at me in disgust. His collared shirt is rolled up at the sleeves, showing off the river of veins in his arms, his fists balled up, his mouth twisted in silent rage.
“Hi,” I gush, standing up and rushing towards him. He forcibly shoves my hand down from his chest, the ice from his eyes cutting me.
“Don’t. Touch. Me.”
“Dimitri….” I trail off, thinking of the best way to explain everything.He’s seen them.He must have, otherwise he wouldn’t so be nasty towards me.
“Don’t say my name out loud. I saw the fucking pictures, Ava.”
“Dimitri,” I shout, but my voice comes out all mixed up and garbled. “I can explain.”
Dimitri scoffs, raking a hand through his hair, skimming his hand over the dresser drawer, shoving folded clothes off it onto the floor. He’s so angry, and I hate to know what he’s going to do next.
“I bet you can explain,” he spits. “Go right ahead, explain to me how you slept with some random. Is this what you do, Ava? Sweet, sweet wholesome Ava?”
“Dimitri?” I plead with him in anguish. “You can’t believe those photos.I didn’t do this! All I did was drink cocoa on the couch. I felt funny. My head was fuzzy, but I thought it was the other thing,” I say, touching my raging hot forehead, my upper lip beaded with sweat.
“What other thing? Oh, you mean the dick in your face? No wonder you wanted to get away so badly, huh?” Dimitri spits out, his attack stabbing me like a deep knife. How can he think I could do this to him?
“Dimitri.Please!” I shriek, but he won’t look me in the eye.
“Come out of my room, Ava, because your little friend isn’t willing to corroborate your bullshit story.” Dimitri’s shoulders slump as he freezes me out, swinging the door open as I walk behind him, shuffling along. It’s only getting worse because she’s here. In the fucking house.
“You stupid bitch!” I cry out as Cindy shifts the sleeves of her windbreaker down over her hands, a sheepish look on her face. Her black hair matches her soul, and I’m not angry, just sad—too sad that she would stoop so low.
“No, Ava. You should tell him the truth.” She shrugs her shoulders blatantly putting on an Oscar-worthy performance in front of Dimitri. He must have cleared the kitchen because there’s nobody else in it, but us.
“What truth? That you drugged me!” I yell as Cindy shakes her head in pity at me.
“Ava. That’s such a lie and you know it. Your eyes were open. It’s okay,” she expresses, Dimitri buying her suitcase of lies a little too quickly, and it’s hurting my heart.
If you only knew what I’m carrying.Us.Part of each of us. “What the fuck happened?” Dimitri blasts Cindy as her shoulders curve in.
“Ava invited a guy over. I don’t know who the fuck he was, but he stayed the night, ya know, after they like— did it.In my bed. ”
“No! You’re lying,” I hiss, barely able to breathe, Dimitri looking at me as if I’m worse than the scum on the bottom of his shoe.
“That’s all I know,” Cindy protests, pretending to be scared, backing off with her hands up. “I told you everything I witnessed, please don’t hurt the messenger. Sometimes Ava and I do drugs together, and maybe things go a little out of hand, ya know?” Cindy launches deeper into the made-up story, justifying drugging me, and now it’s her word against mine, but in reality, mine should stand up.
But Dimitri’s feet are frozen in place, his jaw wound so tight, he’s scaring me. We just went from confessing our feelings to this. Like everything else, it’s happening too fast, and the room’s moving too fast as well. The stress is going to do me in. Hanging on to the chair, Dimitri speaks to me as if I’m a stranger.
“I knew you were too good to be true. Petrov, fucking get her slut friend out of here.” Petrov swoops in from the other room nearby, surprising me by his close proximity.
He grabs Cindy around the elbow, shoveling her out the door just as memory flashes of Dimitri’s mother come back to me.
“Leave him alone or I will do it myself.”Ekaterina. This was all her doing. She wanted me out, and she got me out. Emotions are running sky high, but I don’t have nearly enough strength to be able to defend myself, but I do my best anyway as a stony-faced Dimitri stands propped up next to the kitchen island.
“Dimitri, don’t you trust me?” Opening my palms, I beg him as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Trust you?” His eyes glower, bitterness riding on the crest of his voice. “There’s nothing to trust, Ava. The pictures are all the evidence I need, and they speak for themselves. What’s fucking left to say?”
Choking up in sobs, I shake my head, begging with him, too caught up in emotion to get my words to come out straight. “No, you can’t—can’t believe her. I wouldn’t sleep with someone else. Only you!”
“Ava. You’re naked under the covers and it’s not digitally altered. I had the photo cleared and checked. It’s fucking time stamped. You must think I’m fucking stupid.” His face changes, and it’s so frightening I move back a couple of steps. “At the same time, you were there at Cindy’s house. I brought her here, so you had a chance to clear your name.” He thrusts a nearby chair over in rage, the resounding thud making me jump.
“But it’s not true! The cocoa! She—she….” As I choke on my own words, Dimitri leaves the room, returning with a thick stack of documents and colored tabs, dropping it on the table.
“I need you to sign these documents. Do it now, Ava. No stalling.”