“More than.” She scales me from head to toe, and I’ve kept my look casual, but high-end enough for a luxury yacht dinner in an Armani suit, my hand tattoos on full display. My hair is slicked back with a little gel, and my beard shaped up and tapered.
“Good. Come on, let’s go, before I change my mind and take you back to bed. You look too good, Ava.”
“Thank you.” I introduce Ava to more of my life as the driver takes out the private town car and we share a champagne along the way.
“This is a limited-edition champagne from the South of France. Try it and tell me what you think.” She sips, her eyes coming alight as we head past the downtown district of Chicago to the pier.
“This is amazing. Wow, and we’re in a limo.”
“Yes. It’s nothing. Wait until you see the yacht.”
“I can’t wait,” Ava says, starry eyed, and I’m starting to really enjoy showing her new things. We arrive along with the other guests as they exit their own version of luxury vehicles. Ava’s gobsmacked by all the luxurious people around her, but if she knew what most of the ruthless sharks were like behind closed doors, including the women, she probably wouldn’t be so impressed. The super yacht stands proudly at the dock as passersby look on in awe. The ship, donned with fairy lights on deck, is the size of a small house. It takes up most of the Chicago River.
“This is insane, Dimitri. I didn’t know yachts could be this big.”
“Yes. They can. My associate owns it, and my cousin Ruslan works in the luxury yacht market. He’s thinking about bringing them to Chicago for luxury and private parties. Do you think it’s a good idea?” I ask in a husky tone, wanting her input.
Ava nods as I help her up on a neon-lit deck, the hypnotic beat of house music vibrating through the boat. “This is so—so wow! I would want to be on this boat. Chicago people like to let their hair down, so I can’t see why not.”
Ava’s awestruck expression is what’s making me happiest right now. I don’t understand it, because years ago I thought my mother was right and that I would just have to be miserable and handpick one of the elite women from the high-society circles.
“We’re on the same page, Ms. Knight,” I say in approval, escorting her onto the boat, and as the stares come our way, a low burn of fire stirs as the men appreciatively glance in Ava’s direction. Slipping my hand into hers, I smile, letting all the sharks know she’s mine. “Come. Let me introduce to a few people I’d like you to meet.” I can’t help but think if I brought Cara, she would be too stuffy and stiff to be excited about the venture. It’s a stark contrast to Ava who sees the value in the experiences I’m opening her up to.
Firstly, I introduce her to the host, Arnez. The Middle Eastern man is one I was introduced to through Ruslan during his negotiations for his new vodka range, which is now producing a multimillion-dollar turnover for the Bratva.
I can see the dirty thoughts forming in his head, his snake eyes directing themselves to Ava’s chest. There’s a slight chill in the air, and her nipples are shining through.
He takes her hand, kissing it. “Hi, welcome to Arnez Premier Yacht events. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Arnez offers me a polite gaze and I shoot him a death dagger of a glance, letting him know where the boundaries lie telepathically. “Sorry, here’s the man of the hour. Dimitri, how are you?”
“Excellent. This is Ava. Nice boat, Arnez,” I reply cordially, showing my teeth.
“Yes. I think a fifty-foot yacht is about the right size for the perfect luxury event. What do you think, Ava?”
Oblivious to the attention she’s receiving for all the right and wrong reasons, Ava smiles, nodding her head. “Yes. I think you’re right. It’s beautiful.” Ava turns slightly to take in the event. All the glamourous people of Chicago are on the boat mingling, drinking and enjoying champagne and appetizers as they come around. I stop one of the hostesses so Ava can try the food.
She selects a lobster appetizer with caviar included and I smile because it’s exactly what I told her would be on offer. Ruslan’s vodka is on offer at the bar, so I forgo the champagne to support his brand. If nothing else, I’m a loyal Bratva man.
“Are you enjoying yourself so far?” I ask, surprised that I care so much about her response.
“Yes. I can’t believe I’m here with these people. They’re all so accomplished. Is that where we’re having dinner?” Ava nods in the direction of the white tableclothed tables with place cards below deck. There’s a transparent floor that shines down the interior of the boat, which is just as lush as the outdoor section.
“Yes. It is. And I told you, don’t think for a minute that any of these people are better than you. Any one of them would want what you have. I can assure you.” Kissing her cheek, Ava blushes.
“Thank you.”
As I run through the introduction, giving Ava a sample of the high life, I find myself having a better time than most at these events as we laugh and flirt together. Mostly I attend for networking and business prospecting, but not tonight. Ava adds color to my tainted underworld. I leave her to speak with one of the wives of a well-known Chicago billionaire as they bond over fashion and food.
Confident she’s in safe hands, I break away to speak to one of my business partners involved in the mining sector, which is going to be key to my lithium operations in the future.
“Avery. Nice to see you out tonight.”
“And you.” We shake hands chatting for a moment, teeing up future meetings for our operations as Avery turns his attention to Ava.
“Are you a taken man now, Dimitri? I’ve been waiting for you to settle down.”
“You mean my date?” I shift my attention to seeking out Ava, but my throat burns and not from the vodka as a seething fire cuts through me. She’s speaking to a man who’s taking a great interest in her.
“Yes. Your date.”