Page 4 of Best Kept Secret

"My word, Beau, she looks like your mother…you know, just darker." Roxy left the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch we were sitting on and went on her knees in front of Pari.

"Hi, sweetheart, my, aren't you lovely. I'm Roxy."

Pari pursed her lips. "I, Pari."

Roxy looked at Beau and then at me.

"Pari," I repeated slowly so she could catch the pronunciation.

"It means angel," Beau explained.

"My word, that's a beautiful name." Roxy smiled at me. "And what's your name, hon?"

"Hi Roxy, I'm Mira," I introduced myself. The smell of the sandwiches tickled my stomach. "Pari, do you want something to eat?"

Pari shook her head. "I had biscuit and jam." She then looked at Roxy. "I drank all my juice."

"Now, that's a good girl." Roxy was enamored, and I didn't blame her. Pari was adorable. The cutest kid in the whole world.

"Why don't you eat, darlin'?" Beau prompted, put a half sandwich on a plate, and handed it to me.

So much for feeling hungry; I could barely finish the small sandwich before I said I was done and reached for more water.

"Better?" Beau asked.

My shoulders slumped in relief. "Much."

"Dot, sweetheart, can you take Pari outside and—"

I stood up then. "No."

Beau arched an eyebrow.

"I…don't know you…her. I can't just leave Pari with…." I felt like an idiot. Beau was Pari's father, and I was behaving like a helicopter mother.

Roxy gave me a comforting smile. "How about we play right out there?" She pointed to the covered porch right by the living room. "You can see us the entire time, yeah? There is a fan out there, so it's not too hot."

"I trust Roxy," Beau spoke softly.

I sat down on the carpet next to Pari. This was going to be hard, I realized. I was so used to being the only person taking care of her, twenty-four-seven, that it was going to take some doing to let others in, no matter how much I'd appreciate a break from beingonall the time.

Beau joined me, and he took Pari's little hand in his. "Sweetheart, Roxy is going to play with you. Is that okay?"

"Okay," Pari said seriously and then looked at me, tacitly asking for permission.

"Roxy and you are going to have so much fun." I gave her my broadest smile, the one that told her everything was fine.Children were quick to sense stress, so I did my best to shield Pari from the storm inside me.

"What's your name?" Pari tilted her head and looked at Beau. I all but smacked my hand on my forehead. I hadn't introduced her to him.

"I'm Beau."

She looked at him with blank eyes.

"Pari, he's your daddy." I choked up at the words. Pari had a father, someone who wanted her. I wasn't the only person in the world who'd love her.

Pari was too young to understand whatDaddymeant. "Bodaddy?"

Beau stroked a finger down her cheek. "Bodaddy works."