"I love you," she promised right back.
We fell asleep for a while, the bed a disaster. But then I woke her up and fucked her again. After that, she refused to sleep until we changed the sheets, which we did, but I knew that it was pointless.
The morning after, when I slid an arm around her, she pushed me away. "No more, you sex-crazed bull."
I laughed, feeling like a fucking king as I held her in my arms.
"That's not what you said that last time when I took your ass."
She snuggled into me. "That's because I was having the best orgasm ever."
"Let me—"
"Bodaddy,Miramashi." There was a banging on my bedroom door.
"Saved by the baby," Mira declared and sat up. The duvet slipped down, and she looked like a goddess with her tits proudly naked and her hair all mussed up.
"Fuck, but I could do you again."
"Bodaddy," Pari called out indignantly.
"The door is never locked," I explained Pari's annoyance.
As I got out of bed and put on my boxers, Mira scrambled into the bathroom with her clothes.
"The door was locked," Pari complained when I picked her up.
I kissed her nose. "Morning, baby girl. How do you feel about pancakes?"
She brightened. "IsMiramashimaking them?"
That was the problem with being with a woman who was a freaking chef. Your kids would always like their mother's cooking over yours, even when you went the extra mile and made an effort.
"Let's surprise her," I suggested, "by cooking for Mama, yeah?"
I set her down at the kitchen island in a highchair, filling her sippy cup with milk while I mixed the ingredients for pancakes.
"Bodaddy, can I callMiramashiMama?"
I'd been mixing upMiramashiand Mama for a while now. Not on purpose, but I'd started to think of Mira as Pari's mother—and Pari asourdaughter.
"How about we ask her?" I offered as I watched Mira come into the kitchen.
She leaned down and kissed Pari's hair. "Good morning, myShona."
"Miramashi," Pari began seriously, "can I call you Mama?"
Mira's eyes instantly filled with tears. Yeah, it was cute as hell but also emotional as fuck.
The backdoor opened then, and Roxy walked in. Seeing all of us standing still, she raised both eyebrows. "What's goin' on?" she wondered.
"I askedMiramashiif I can call her Mama," Pari explained.
"Of course, you can," Roxy replied, taking something that I thought was a big deal and making it routine. "Sheisyour Mama, so why not? But you know, kiddo, you can call me Roxy-Mashi. I think I'd like that."
After breakfast, Roxy took Pari to see my mother so that Mira and I could have some time together.
"Well?" I asked as I topped off Mira's coffee.