Page 81 of What the Wife Knew

After a brief hesitation she wound up again. “I devoted my life to you. To our kids. I did everything you asked and ignored every slight. The other women.” The sound of her sharp inhale bounced around the room. “Damn it, Richmond. How could you do this to me?”

In no universe was this situation about her. “You’re getting hysterical.”

“Gaslighting. Really?”

Her favorite word. “I was making an observation.”

“Do you want to know what I see?”

Not even a little. “Addison’s irrational behavior is the point. I have cameras and security everywhere in the house and on the grounds so I can spy on her.”

Kathryn shook her head. “I want to believe you.”

“Addison claims to know things.”

“Yes, I get it. She’s basically blackmailing you. But what exactly does she know? Why won’t you answer that question?”

“Again, the specifics don’t matter.” Telling Kathryn might give her leverage, so she didn’t need to know about the map and this supposed tape. It was sufficient for her to understand that Addison claimed to have proof and I believed her. “Until I figure out where Addison got her information and how much she really has, I need to play along.”

“By being married to her.”

I hated that part, too. I stretched my arm along the top of the couch cushions. Even Kathryn should see my lounging as a signal that I wasn’t swayed by her outbursts. “It’s a piece of paper that means nothing. A joke.”

“Like our marriage was?”

The burst of strong will was the one downside of our divorce. That and losing a portion of my net worth, but I’d figure out how to get the money back. “Addison sleeps with a bat.”

The air seemed to run out of Kathryn. She dropped back down on the couch, concern obvious in her eyes. “She could kill you.”

Finally. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

“You made a fool out of me. All because of her. This homicidallunatic. And you’ve turned me into one of those forgotten first wives that you and your friends make fun of at the club.”

That was more like it. I could handle her self-pity. “That’s not true.”

“Remember, Addison isn’t the only one who knows about the things you’ve done.”

I was about to put my hand on her knee. Show her some comfort, then that came out of her mouth. “Are you threatening me, Kathryn?”

“We’re in this mess because of you.”

Anger flared. Violent flames spilled out, burning through every promise I’d made to myself to maintain control. That need to reach out. To take her neck and squeeze... but I stayed calm. Clenched the couch material in my fist and rode out the wave of fury.

“I worked my ass off to give all of you everything you could want. I’m the one out there every day.”

“You’re being sued.”

“I miscalculated with one surgery.” I’d gotten complacent. A lawsuit loomed but I could talk my way out of that. Thomas couldn’t afford to lose me. The blame would be shifted as far away from me as possible. “Do you have any idea how much time and energy I’ve dedicated to this family? To our financial security?”

All her squirming stopped. The hint of panic in her expression disappeared and her face went blank. “I know exactly what you’ve done to get where you are.”

“And whatyoudid.” She could taunt but the facts condemned both of us.

“You’re turning our lives upside down over some vague accusations from a woman no one would take seriously.” Kathryn sprang up again. She rubbed her forehead as she walked back and forth in front of the fireplace. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into any of this.”

I tightened my hold on the couch material. “You seemed fine dividing our assets and taking the money.”

“It was the first time you conceded to putting any asset in my name.”