“Addison?” Elias’s grim tone mirrored his expression.
“Call 911 again. Or the police.” Mom grabbed Elias’s arm. “Do something.”
Instead of racing around, following her commands, Elias sat down. The cushions next to me dipped. The couch. I was on the couch in the television room. The area probably had some fancy-house designer name. I thought of it as the sacred space where I watched rich housewives from cities I’d never visited bicker on a big screen attached to the wall.
“What happened?” I touched the side of my head and immediately regretted the choice. The area around my temple pounded. Squinting blocked out most of the offending light but not all.
“That’s our question.” Elias studied my face, looking less happy with every second. “Why were you outside the gate?”
I’d ignored his warnings and advice and regretted that choice, but I’d been lured there... sort of. “The camera.”
Mom let out a strangled sound. “You were taking photographs?”
“No, I—” Got up too fast and swear my bones rattled before I settled back into the stack of pillows behind my head. “Damn.”
“An ambulance is on the way.” Elias glanced at his watch. “I called when we were bringing you inside.”
“A flashy vehicle with sirens is not what we need.” I had enough unwanted attention, thank you very much. “Cancel it.”
A typical Elias response.
Mom shook her head. “Elias is right. If the Rothmans hadn’t come by and—”
“Who?” The name wasn’t a bit familiar.
“Glenn and Kitty Rothman. Your neighbors.” Mom waved a dismissive hand in the air. “They live directly across the street.”
Those were their names?
“For some reason Kitty was wearing a designer dress in the middle of the afternoon. Ice blue and very pretty, almost like a cocktail dress, and not at all an appropriate match to her husband’s buffoonish plaid golf outfit.”
What the hell was Mom babbling about? “You mean Mrs. Nosypants and her silent husband? The two who are never outside except when terrible things happen to me?”
Elias sighed, as always. “Since they found you passed out on the lawn and used the intercom to call your mom for help we like them today.”
The events that landed me here rushed into my head on fast-forward. The camera. The footsteps. The odd smell. Being thrown into a fucking tree—twice. “Did they see who hit me?”
Elias blinked a few times. “You were attacked?”
“Do you think I spontaneously fell down?” Now it seemed obvious. I probably was supposed to notice the tilted camera and go out there to investigate. I messed up the sequence, but the end was the same. Someone caught me off guard and got the upper hand. That was the last time I’d ignore or downplay a warning. “Apparently the notes weren’t just for show.”
“Notes?” Elias asked. “What are you talking about?”
He had one hand resting on the pillow near my head and one on the back of the couch cushion. The concerned fatherly act trapped me. Kept me from sitting up. That meant there was no way to call the words back now. Both Mom and Elias kept staring, making it very clear no one was going anywhere until I fessed up.
Fine. There was no reason to keep the mess a secret now. “There was a threat written on the wall of the primary suite in top-secret paint, though it’s now more of a smear. Then I got a note in the mailbox. Those predated being slammed into a tree.”
Mom held up three fingers. “How many do you see?”
“I’m not loopy.” Well, I was but still.
“I knew I should have checked out that bedroom since you were so secretive about it. I’m going to look at this painting.” Mom reached for her cell. “I’ll take a photo, if that’s possible, and be right back.”
Elias waited until Mom left the room. “Why didn’t you mention these threats before now?”
He seemed to know I wasn’t making this up or embellishing, even though I excelled at doing the latter. Thisyou will paybullshit was all too real. No matter how I tried to laugh it off, ignore it, and work around it, the threat had grown until it sucked out the tiny bits of lightness in my day.