Saoirse hesitates. “I really can’t. Plus, only Lucretia and Robert have cell phones, and they don’t even carry them.”
“Of course, no worries.” His tone is understanding. She’s obviously imagined whatever negative emotion she thought she detected. “Thai food sounds fun.”
“I’d invite you to come by, but ...” Saoirse trails off, checking the door again. “I mean ... I don’t know.” She laughs lightly, hoping he understands what she’s getting at: they had sex for the first time last night ... it’s a little too soon to introduce him to her friends. “It might be kind of weird,” she adds, in case he still doesn’t get it.
“Of course.” He laughs too. “Absolutely. Totally weird. Well, have fun.”
“Yeah. Thanks. And Emmit?”
“Yes, Saoirse?”
“I had a really great time with you today. And last night. I certainly don’t want you to get in trouble with work or anything, but I’m glad you didn’t fly to Baltimore.” She pauses. “You didn’t get in trouble, did you?”
“Oh, god no. They said take all the time I need to get better.”
“From COVID,” Saoirse clarifies.
“From COVID.” Emmit chuckles. “I couldn’t exactly tell them what I was really stricken with, now could I?”
“And what’s that?”
“I think you know.”
They are both quiet for several seconds. Saoirse has to work to make sure her heavy breathing doesn’t get picked up by the phone’s speaker.
“I’m in Providence for the rest of the week now,” Emmit says. “Can I see you again?”
Yes! Right now! Just let me send Lucretia, Roberto, and Mia away. Or, at the very least, let me see you as soon as they leave!“Maybe Wednesday,” she says, going for breezy and noncommittal.
“How about tomorrow?” Emmit counters.
“Oh.” She pretends to think it over. “Okay. I can make tomorrow work.”
“What would you like to do?”
Saoirse hears footsteps on the stoop. A knock comes a moment later. “Shit.”
“Everything okay?”
“No. I mean, yes, but my friends just showed up.”
“I see. Well, how about you think on it. Whatever you want to do, we’ll do. I’ll pick you up at ten.”
“In the morning?”
“Is that all right?”
“So, a day date?”
“I was thinking awhole-day date. We’ll do something fun and Providencey, then get dinner in Federal Hill.”
The knocking on the door becomes a bang. “Saoirse! Hellooooo!” Lucretia singsongs from the stoop.
She covers the speaker and calls, “One second.” Then, to Emmit: “That sounds wonderful.”
“See you soon, then. Goodbye, Saoirse.”
“Goodbye, Emmit.” Saoirse ends the call.