I notice that there are three cars and none of them are police cars. They take Davis to one that has a car seat in it. They put Valentino in the second car and me in the third. Why are all these cars unmarked? And why is there a car seat in that one?

I try to keep an eye on the other two cars, but I lose sight of the one with Davis in it. I start to panic. When we get to the station, they yank me out and I stumble, hitting the ground.

“You fucking asshole!” I hear Valentino yell.

The officer with him slams him against the car and tells him to shut the fuck up. Since when do cops act like this? One of the Lake Renegade deputies comes out.

“What’s going on?” James asks.

The officer drags me with him.

“We’re with the St. Cloud police and we’re here to take these two fugitives back with us. We’d like to use your cells to hold them till morning.”

“I’ll need to call the sheriff, also do you have their paperwork?” he asks as he looks at Valentino and me. It’s like he’s telling us not to resist. That it’s going to be okay.

The officer holding onto me shoves some papers into James’ hands.

“Are you going to show us to the cells? We need to secure them,” the other one barks.

James nods and holds the door open. He then leads us to the cells.

“We only have one cell back here, so they’ll have to share one.”

“Fine. But make sure they stay cuffed.”

They shove both of us in the cell and James locks it.

“Sal’s on his way, just sit tight,” James says to us.

“Don’t talk to our prisoners,” one cop snaps at James.

“They may be your prisoners, but they’re my friends. We all live here in Lake Renegade and these two are far from dangerous. Are the cuffs really necessary?”

“Stay out of it, this is St. Cloud business. The real cops. Nothing to do with you baby cops. Now we’re going to go eat. Don’t let them out or talk to them.”

We watch them leave.

“What the fuck is going on? And where is Davis?” I start sobbing.

“What do you mean? You didn’t leave him with your parents?” he asks us.

“No. They took us and Davis. They said that we could have someone pick him up here. But the third car never showed up,” Valentino says.

James gets on the phone to call Salvatore.

“Hey Sal, so the third car that has Davis in it never showed up. And now the other cops are gone.”

“Did you look at the paperwork?”

“It looked legit, but I’m going to call St. Cloud now.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Lorenzo should be there now.”

As James hangs up, Lorenzo comes bursting into the station.

“Lorenzo! Davis is missing,” Valentino says to him.

Valentino rattles off the license plate numbers for two of the cars and the badge numbers for the three cops.