“She loves it!” Shelley told us, and then she ran after her dog. The two of them headed for the backyard, where I’d set up a swing and a hammock.

Jed shook his head. “Where does that girl get her energy?”

“She’s ten,” I said ruefully. “Remember ten? We had that kind of energy, too.”

“No. I don’t remember much about ten,” he said dryly, and we were off on another discussion of dinosaurs when Uncle Mike walked out of the house, his arms full of steaks.

“Are you going to help me with this half a cow you bought, or am I just going to eat it all?” Mike grinned at us.

Mike Callahan was a retired engineer and Tess’s dad’s older brother. He wore blue jeans and flannel shirts, only drove American, could fix anything—probably even a Delorean time machine—and loved Tess fiercely.

I swallowed a momentary sense of unease. He’d be fine with me asking Tess to marry me.


Wouldn’t he?

I helped him carry the steaks, and the three of us got the meat going on the grill, and then I decided enough was enough. I’d faced entire blood covens of murderous vampires with less nervousness than this. It was ridiculous.

“Mike? Will you please ask Ruby to come outside? I need to talk to the three of you about something before Tess gets here.”

Mike gave me a sharp look but went to get his wife.

Jed took one look at me and then grabbed me in a rough hug, pounding on my back. “It’s about time, my boy. I couldn’t be happier for you. Tess is one of the best people I’ve ever met.”

“Thanks. I hope she says yes,” I mumbled.

Jed threw his head back and laughed. “She’s as gone over you as you are over her. And, hey! My new granddaughter-in-law is the best pie baker in six counties! Big win!”

I shushed him when I saw Mike and Ruby come outside, serious looks on their faces.

When they reached us, Ruby gave me a hug and burst into tears. “Jack Shepherd, if you’re about to tell us you have to move out of Dead End for that Consortium foolishness, I’m going to … to … tell the sheriff to put you in jail!”

Mayor Ruby Callahan still had a slightly shaky grasp on how much she could order Sheriff Susan Gonzalez to do, but I was pretty sure arresting me wasn’t part of it.

“No, no, no,” I rushed to reassure her. Then I took a deep breath. “In fact, just the opposite. I plan to ask Tess to marry me, and I was hoping you’d give me your blessing.”

Ruby started crying again, but this time, they were happy tears. “Why, that’s wonderful, Jack! We’ll be delighted to have you as part of the family!”

When she calmed down enough to quit crying and chattering, I turned to look at Mike. He calmly studied me with his light blue eyes until I got nervous.





I’ve read books where a character says, “My heart dropped into my stomach.”

I always scoffed.

That’s not how anatomy works.

But standing there, staring at Mike in shock …

My heart dropped into my stomach.