I sighed when I thought of the mess my life had turned into regarding my dad bomb. Dex was still AWOL—not that he used those words, but he was on vacation away from Sunny Pines. We didn’t have time to talk. I guess it sucked to find out your dad wasn’t who you thought he was. Just because I didn’t want to talk to his father, it didn’t mean I didn’t want to talk to Dex. I asked Chief Tim, and he said Dex was coming back in a few days. If I had to stalk him, I would.

I had no family other than Rusty and Grandpa, so this was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Rusty made me promise he was still my number one brother. I told Rusty that Dex wouldn’t get married without me in attendance. Let’s face it, I would never get over that.

“Hey, Bear.” I waved at Jake who had just walked in.

“Freya, looking good.” I went out to hug him while Jess got Emma from the back so she could make him a drink. Bear was her tester in the concoctions she wanted to try. Bear looked at the wall, shook his head, and smiled.

“What’s so funny?” I poked him.

“Just wondering when you and Dunnett will get your shit together. I come in here expecting to see ‘Do you like me? Check yes or no.’” He laughed, and I punched him. I thought the board was cute, and it was our thing.

“So… Jake, is there anyone special you like? Do you have a girlfriend? I’m good at matchmaking.”

Jake looked at me, eyebrows raised. “Really? Who’d you match?”

“Yeah? Who you’d pair up?” Jess pipped up.

“Emma and Dex. Did you know he’s my brother?” Bear shook his head. Clearly, I was a little cray-cray.

“Freya, everyone could see Dex was crazy about Emma. He’s been trying to get with her since the moment he got into town. You were the only one who had the guts to push Em. And don’t take this the wrong way, girl, but to be a good matchmaker, you have to have friends,” he mocked me.

“Hello, I’m right here.” Emma waved Bear’s coffee. “And I’m not dating Dex.”

Emma didn’t like when Dex turned the tables on her.

“Yet… you aren’t exclusive yet. Let my little brother come back and I’ll talk sense into him.” I grinned at her horrified expression. Then I turned back to Bear. “Anyway, what kind of girls do you like? Do you have a type? You’re a simple guy, so I assume nothing too prissy?”

Bear took a sip of his coffee, a faraway look crossing his face. “Not looking to date anyone. I tried the whole engaged thing after college; it wasn’t for me,” he said nonchalantly. He did not just drop a bomb like that and walk away like it wasn’t a big deal.

Emma, Jess, and I looked at each other gaping. “Who would be stupid enough to dump him?” Jess said and both Emma and I agreed.

“Do you know who he was with in college?” I asked Emma, but she shook her head.

“I’m totallysingle if you want to hook us up,” Jess craned her neck so she could watch Bear leave.

“Dude, he’s too old for you. You’re more suited for Quincy; at least neither of you would go to jail for dating each other.”

Jess didn’t have a reply, which was good because I was mentally packing an overnight bag.

My lady bits were excited, and so was I.


I couldn’t stop staringat my overnight bag, waiting for it to explode at any second. Max and I were far from virgins, but we had never had the intimacy of being in a room, with a bed,naked.

I was being silly, wasn’t I?

The flutters in my stomach and clammy hands proved it. I was a grown woman and had been living on my own since I was eighteen, but when I told Grandpa I would be back tomorrow morning, I felt a little weird. It felt like I had just broadcasted thatI would most likely be getting it on tonight.

Bow chicka wow wow.

My room illuminated with the headlights from Max’s car. Taking that as my cue, I grabbed my bag and walked out, glad I didn’t run into my grandpa.

This was a first for us, and since we had seven years ofexperiencing things without the other, this was unexpected but welcome. Max was already waiting by the passenger door. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with the top two buttons undone, dark gray pants, a brown belt that matched his shoes, and a triumphant grin on his handsome face. He grabbed my bag, opened my door, and asked, “Are you ready?”

That was a loaded question, wasn’t it? Was I ready? Dammit, Jess wassoright. I was ready. I was ready seven years ago, and I was more than ready now.

“I’m ready.” I smiled at him.