“What did you want me to do, Prescott, marry her when I didn’t love her?”

Prescott threw his head back and laughed. “Love? Are you fucking kidding me? You could have gotten a divorce, but no, little brother, you had to make a fucking mess. Do you know what a nightmare you created? And all because of that little whore who broke your heart.”

Instantly I got up. I didn’t care who the fuck was insulting Freya, whether it is a stranger or the Pope, but I would not put up with it.

“I’ll give it to you. She’s a fine piece of ass.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I warned.

“All of it so you could get your fucking dick wet for a bitch that played you.”

Swinging, I punched my brother in the jaw. He staggered back, looking ready to hit me. I saw it in his eyes; he wasn’t just mad at me. He was jealous. Jealous because I got out, because I had a second chance at love, and he didn’t.

“If anyone cost you the election, brother, it was you. You’re the one that keeps having affair after affair. Do you think Rachael doesn’t know? How long before she has enough and leaves you? How long until the whole town finds out you aren’t fucking perfect? You hate the factthatI was strong enough to say fuck it. You fucking hate thatI will not be caged in a miserable marriage like you are.”

Prescott was breathing erratically, a hand to his jaw, but he had yet to speak. I kept going because my brother needed to stop being my father's puppet. “It kills you, right? It kills you to see her in town happily married while you’re miserable. I wasn’t going to let that happento me. Freya isn’t Jana. Brother, if anyone is to blame, it’s you. You think I don’t know you’re the reason Jana and Gary broke up? You had her, Prescott, but you thought you could go away to college and leave her here. You thought she would wait for you and be ready to play house when you returned. It’s not her fault. She would have waited for you had you done her right, but you didn’t. You treated her like crap. Now it kills you to see her with Russell.” I would not be like my brother. I had a chance, and I sure as fuck would not waste it.

“Tell me, Max, what happens when Freya meets someone who makes her laugh, someone who makes hersmile, someone who makes her feel free?” Prescott spat at me, mocking the words that Freya had written—the lies I had believed. It shouldn’t surprise me that Prescott knew about the damn letter. When I was pissed drunk, it was my brother who picked me up from the floor when I couldn’t hold it together anymore.

“Our father didn’t leave her much of a choice in staying. Juliet confessed what he did on Friday. Even if she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have married Abigail. Freya is the love of my life, and I will do whatever the fuck I have to do to keep her.”

Prescott rubbed his jaw, but he believed me. “This shit keeps getting better and better. I feel like we should have known he’d do something like that. Between you and Juliet, I feel like I have lucked out.”

I held my tongue before I added that Dad forced him into marrying Rachel. “If you need the money, I can buy you out of the company,” I offered.

“Nah, this is Dad’s mess. He can pay to fix it.” Then he walked out. Prescott was a lot of things, but at the end of the day,he was my brother and he was there for me when it counted.

There wasn’t any way I would get work done now. When I got to my apartment, it killed me to not go straight to Freya. I had arranged for her to get a fruit basket and a teddy bear. It was a start. As soon as I opened my door, I gave up and called Freya.

“Hello,” she answered on the first ring, and it made me smile.

“Hey, babe, how are you feeling?”

“I’m better now,” she timidly whispered.

“Did you not think I’d call?”

“I knew you would, but it’s also a new day. The shock from your wedding and my accident wore off. I guess I’m afraid things will fall apart.”

“The only reason I’m not there with you is because you asked me not to. Say the word, and I’m there.” I grabbed my keys from the key holder. I stopped for a second, looking at the black key rack. It was simple; it even had a box to put my mail.

“Will you give me a ride home when I get released?”

“I’ll be there,” I replied in an instant. One more day. I could do it. I could go two days without seeing her.


“Yeah, babe?” I was looking around my apartment at my couches and my kitchen table.

“I love you.” The breathy way she told me she loved me was my undoing. I felt my chest expand. I didn’t think I’d hear those three words coming from her lips.

I hadto clear my throat. “I love you too.”

“Tell me how your day was? It has to be better than having Jana momming you. I know I always wanted a mom, but if she was anything like Jana, I have to say I’m glad I missed out. She’s on my ass on what I can or cannot do.”

I smiled as I made my way to my room. I couldn’t help looking at my bed and drawers. Instead of focusing on all that, I told Freya about my day.

“Please tell me you have cameras in your office? I bet youlooked hot. I mean, I always thought Prescott deserved a good shiner, but the fact you did it for my honor is hot.”