Max came to the other side of the bed, his hand coming to my hair. “I was so scared I would lose you,” he confessed.When he rested his forehead atop of my own, tears fell, but he wiped them away.
“What are you doing here, Max?”
His hands came to my wet cheeks, grabbing me gently, and a small grin appeared on his handsome features.
“Nine years ago, I gave a pretty girl a ride home, and she promised me a kiss. I’m here to collect on that kiss…”
A sob tore through me, filled with hope and longing, yet I couldn’t believe it was real.
“What about—“
“It’s you, Freya. It’s only ever been you, and it will always be you, baby.” He spoke the words against my lips. I couldn’t get enough. His proximity, his warmth, it was surreal to touch him. I brought my hands to his face to feel him, to assure myself he was really here.
“I was on my way to you," I confessed.
“I know, baby. I canceled the wedding. I couldn't do it. I couldn't marry someone who isn't you. I was going to come find you in the morning. You are mine, and I’ve always been yours. The day you left, you took a part of me with you. It wasn’t until you came home that I realized I was a dead man walking.”
I wanted to say more, but the nurse came in to check my vitals, making it hard to have a heart-to-heart with Max. I almost groaned when people began filling my room. Of course, Max noticed; I saw him smirking at me.
“You were always one for attention,” Jana said, rubbing her belly. “You justhad to pull one up on me.”
“You know me. Drama loves me.”
When my grandpa walked in, everyone cleared out. The last one to leave the room was Max, but not before bending down and giving me a whisper of a kiss. There was still much to be discussed between both of us, but for right now everything was more than perfect. Grandpa hugged me, and hisshoulders shook. I tried not to cry, but it was useless. He didn’t need to tell me how scared he was or how much he loved me; it was all there in the way he hugged me.
“I’m okay,” I assured him and myself. I wanted to talk more, but my eyes were already closing.Man, getting in an accident does a number on you.
When I woke up again, the sun was setting, and I wasn't as groggy. This time it was Emma sitting next to me.
“Hey, you’re up.” She jumped up from the chair and came to greet me. I wanted to say hi to her, or tell her my plan to help her business, but when I opened my mouth, I asked for Max.
“He’s outside talking to your dad. Things are… tense.” Emma looked uncomfortable as she stared at the door as if she could see out into the hallway. I was under the impression my grandpa and Max were okay.
“He keeps trying to see you, but Max told him to give you time. By the way,it’s so cute the way he stares at you when you sleep—not in a creepy way or anything.”
“Hold up.” I raised my arm and felt a pain in my abdomen where I had my surgery. “I’m confused. Why doesn’t Max want Grandpa to talkto me? He was here earlier, and he was fine.”
I heard Emma say, “Oh shit,” under her breath.
“Emma? What’s going on?” I grabbed her hand. Emma bit her lip, obviously not comfortable telling me what was going on. Just as I felt myself breaking her down,a pissed-off Max walked in.
“I’m gonna go now.” Emma grabbed her purse, but before she walked out, I called after her.
“Emma, you and I need to talk.” Her eyes widened, but she nodded.
Max came over and sat on the bed next to me, putting his arm around me, pressing me against his chest. Damn, he smelled good. “How are you feeling?”
I closed my eyes, so I could stop myself from blurting out, “Better now thatI’m in your arms.” I was still afraid he might disappear.
“What’s going on, Max?” I asked instead. His arms got tense around me. His forehead dropped, and I got lost in those mossy eyes. Damn him.
“Any chance you’ll drop this until you’re feeling better?”
I arched a brow in response, and it made him smile.
“I still can’t believe this is real,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough of touching you. Kissing you. Just being here with you.” When he bent his head, I felt my stomach dip.Screw you, pain.Arching my neck, I let him take away any insecurity I might have been feeling with that kiss.