“Hello, beautiful.” Max grinned at me as soon as he saw me, causing my heart to beat erratically. God, time went by so fast. I still remembered him waiting for me in front of my home at seventeen, but now at nineteen, he took my breath away. Max had grown, and he had muscle in all the right places. He was no longer my boy; he was on his way to being my man. What was I saying? He was my man.

Maximilian Dunnett was mine.

It still felt like a dream thinking about it. I hoped this dream never ended.

“Okay, so where to, baby girl?” Max had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my lap. I knew what he was doing every time he rubbed my lap.Please, like I didn’t feel his hand creeping higher and higher each time.

Max never pressured me into having sex. It was always on me, when and where and how. He knew sex was a sore subject for me, and it was just another one of those things he did to make me comfortable, to make me feel like I had the power when with only one touchhehad me.

“Hmm... we could go to our spot.” That spot being the old water tower where we spent as much time as we possiblycould.

“I like the water tower.”

I smirked at him.“I bet you do.”

I liked the water tower too, but for once it would be nice to have something more romantic—more private. It wasn’tfor lack of trying, so I couldn’t get mad over that. The Dunnetts had made their dislike for me known.

“Freya, will you come to the dinner my parents are throwing for the Mayor?” As much as I wanted to say no, I never would. Max did so much for me; it was only fair of me to do the same.

That didn’t mean I couldn’t have fun with it.

“I’ll make you a deal.”

His eyes narrowed, knowing I was up to no good. He said I gave him a heart attack every time I pulled a stunt with Rusty, but I knew he secretly loved it.

“Okay, I’m game. Just don’t get mad when I win, baby.”

My grin spread.

“Okay, the rules are simple.You have todrive through Main Street without swervingorcrashing.”

Max smiled at me and shook his head. He probably thought I said it as an easy win instead of straight out saying yes to his invitation.

Tsk. My boy didn’t learn.

When we made it to Main Street, I bit my lip to stop my grin from spreading when I undid my seat belt. Max’s head snapped in my direction.

“What are you doing?”

“Baby, you didn’t think I’d make it easy for you, did you?” He looked confused but thrilled. He loved that about me: my wildness.

“Oh, did I mention the best part? No swerving or crashing while my mouth is on you.”

I saw his Adam’s apple wobble, making me giddy withexcitement. Rusty and I were older now, which mean we didn’t pull as many stunts. Getting caught now meant getting tried as adults, and that would suck. I had to get my thrills somewhere, right?

“Put your mouth where?” he croaked.

“Why don’t I justshow you?” I was already pulling down his zipper. He wasn’t fully erect—not yet. Max’s chest was rising and falling rapidly. It elated me to know I could evoke this emotion in him. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard I was a little afraid it would come right off.

I saw his attention was on me and not on the road. I let him watch me put him in my mouth, knowing how much it drove him crazy when my tongue creeped out to lick his precum. “Eyes on the road, Dunnett.” My voice was a low purr that vibrated along his sex.

He said a string of curse words. Slowly but surely, I swallowed him whole. The first time I put him in my mouth, I was hesitant and nervous. I wasn’t a blow job guru, and all the mean things that got thrown at me through the years kept replaying on repeat.

Not anymore.

I liked how Max tasted. I loved the way he respondedto me. The velvety feel of his sex, the saltiness of his arousal, and how whole and completeIfelt when I took him. Max got hard forme, he came because ofme, and that made me feel powerful. Adding more pressure, I jacked him while I sucked his tip and marveled at the way I made him lose control.

“Fuck, baby, you keep going like this I will not last.”Max grunted when I took him all the way to my throat. I had a gag reflex, but I read in a magazine that if you squeezed your thumb, it made you stop gagging. So far it worked. I liked to take my boy in deep because it drove him wild. His hips started tothrust in my mouth with abandon, and for a second, he didn’t treat me like I was made of porcelain. I loved making him lose control, just like I was now. When I sucked him hard, he threw his head back, forgetting for a secondhe was driving.