“I wouldn’t mind sticking around to see him get his ass kicked by three pissed-off chicks.”

I shook my head, ignoring his comment.

When we made it to the old water tower, I smiled. This wasit, this was the moment that everything would change, but it didn’t scare me. Taking the next step with Max felt right. Sex complicated things, but making love changed everything. And I knew that Max and I were about to make love. How could it not be when he treated me like I was the most valuable thing he had? Good thing Sunny Pines didn’t have the resources back then to install cameras on this tower like they had with the new one. If they had they would be seeing a lot of Max and me tonight.

The ladder was old, but it wouldn’t break; it wasn’t the first time Max and I had hung out up there, but tonight it would become our spot. I turned back, giving Max a coy smile. That was all the warning he was getting from me. Max was grinning as he looked from me to the ladder. He had no idea what awaited him. I was thankful for the side zipper on the dress. It would give me the element of surprise. I walked ahead as Max leaned against his car. “Do you want to climb up first, or shall I?” I asked as I slowly unzipped the dress without him noticing.

“Baby, I don’t see how you’re getting up there without tripping.”

I smiled at him as I let the dress drop.

The look on his face was priceless.

When he licked his lips, I could see the vein in his neck speeding up. The bra I wore was lovely, like two silver seashells, and my lace panties were held together with two bows on the side. You could say I’d given this some thought. Busting my ass waiting tables was totallyworth it to see the look on my boy’s face.

While he was frozen, feasting at the sight of yours truly, Iused the opportunity to climb. “Max, you coming? I’m cold,” I yelled when I got to the top. If I weren’t so nervous, I would have laughed at the way Max ran.

The blankets I brought earlier were in place, waiting for us. I thought about using candles, but the stars shining above us was more than enough. I was already lying down by the time Max finished climbing.

“Baby...fuck… Do you have any idea how gorgeous you look right now laid out like that? This is torture.” Max’s voice was strained. His hands were fisted at his sides, and the way he licked his lips only made me more confident.

“Why is it torture when you can touch?” My voice may have been innocent, but we both knew exactly what I had asked for. Max and I had fooled around a lot. We’d done everything but always stopped before we had sex. Well, Max always stopped. He wanted to make sure I was ready, and if I showed one second of hesitation, he would stop. He wasn’t like most guys, who were jerks if they got to the point of closing the deal and nothing happened. Max was on another game level; he never made me feel bad for saying no.

But tonight—tonight, I was saying yes.

“Freya,” he rasped, and I felt the vibrations all over my body. The ache between my legs intensified. Max took off his jacket without breaking eye contact with me. When he loosened his tie, a little whimper left my lips. I could almost picture him years from now, doing that after he got home from work.

When Max was down to his boxers, I licked my lips. Baseball season was good for my boy; he looked yummy. Hewas lean and athletic, but he was gaining muscle. His abs did things to mejustby looking at them. It felt like an eternity before he knelt on top of me. Both our chests rose and fell with our heavy breathing, and all I could hear was the frenzied beat of my heart.

When Max’s fingers grazed my calf, I whimpered. His eyes had a possessive glint that thrilled me. Slowly, he glided his hand over my bare leg, causing goose bumps to rise. Every inch he moved higher, I felt like I was coming more undone.

When he put my leg behind his hip, he finally kissed me. Instantly, I brought him closer while my legs wrapped around his waist. Max was hard, and I ached so badly as soon as he pressed against me. I bucked at the friction.

“Fuck, baby, I will not last if you keep making those sexy, little noises,” he growled. I was about to tell him to stop turning me on, but then he kissed behind my ear.

“Max,” I moaned loudly. He knew how much that drove me wild.

“You can finally scream my name here,” he said as he kissed from my neck to down between my breast. With his mouth, he pulled my bra cup down, the graze of his teeth making me squirm when he sucked my nipple, only to release it and blow on it.

Oh. My. God.

“Max, I need you.” My voice was needy, sounding foreign to my own ears. My boy knew what he was doing, taking his time to torture me in the best way possible.

“I know, baby. I’m trying to make this good for you. Once I get inside you, I don’t think I’ll last.”

Max kissed my ribs, his head going lower with each kiss. My heart beat furiously. I was scared I would pass out; wouldn’t that be embarrassing? When Max licked my navel, I almost came out of my skin.

“Max,” I was not in control any longer. I was so close to coming, and my boy was in the mood to play. With both hands, Max pulled the strings that held my panties together. The scraps of fabric glided across my skin as he finished yanking them out of the way.

“Fuck,” he moaned. “Open for me.” And slowly I did. It was something he liked to do. He wanted to watch the wetness he caused. He liked to know he did that. One could say my boy had a possessive streak in him. I loved it.

“So fucking pretty,” he murmured before I felt his tongue plunging into me. My eyes rolled back, and I opened my mouth, but no coherent words came.

“Max!” I held on to his hair as my back arched. His hand held me steady as he feasted on me. When he sucked on my throbbing clit, I lost it. I was sure the whole town could hear me screaming his name.

“Oh, fuck me,” Max cursed. That didn’t sound like he was happy to be getting it on. I turned to look at him, confused and a little hurt. My boy’s face was crestfallen. Did he not want this?

It was freaking me out.