Jess gave me a weird look when I pulled out flats from my purse. I made myself busy cleaning tables and the countertop. I was about to write the quote of the day when Emma shouted a big no at me.
Okay, whateves.
“Sorry, Freya. It’s just that I had a few complaints about your colorful language the other day, so how about you put something a bit more family friendly?”
“Got it. No ‘fuck’ anywhere near the blackboard. How about ‘bitch’?” I joked.
“Wait a minute. You’re Freya? As in Freya Pratt from the class of 2013 who put one of Mr. Rickson’s cows on the third floor of Sunny High?” There was such glee in Jess's face as she described wild Freya. It was a good prank, and it wasn’tmysenior prank, but it was my idea. I had to admit, that was an epic night.
“The one and only.”
“Dude, you’re like a legend.” Jess looked at me in a new light. Meanwhile, I grabbed the yellow chalk. I knew exactly what to write on the wall.Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.—Dr. Seuss.I had a shit ton of those moments that were valuable memories that were too painful to think about on most days, but they were mine.
Jess nodded approvingly at my quote. “Straight from the OG in life lessons.”
I enjoyed being here in the coffee shop because this was the only place in town that wasn’t tainted with old memories.
Eighteen years old
Senior year was goingby so fast. I dreaded graduation day. I hadn’t told Freya yet, but I had already received acceptance letters from all the schools I had applied. Every letter felt like a chain around my neck, suffocating me. It made it hard as hell to look into Freya’s big, brown eyes and see worry every time we talked about the future. I got the feeling she didn’t want to talk about it. I was more worried about my departure than she was. She acted like she didn’t care. What if she dumped me once the year ended? Freya was mine, and the thought of her with someone else made me ill.
Now thatI knew how she felt like, how she tasted, the way she fell apart with my fingers, my tongue, every kiss I gave her, I knew I wanted no one else to see her in a way only I had.
“Maximilian, honey, can I come in?” My mother pushed the door open without waiting for my permission. Quickly, Igrabbed a pillow and put it on my lap, covering my arousal. It happened whenever I thought of Freya. My mother walked in with a smile on her face, meaning she needed something, or Dad needed something. My parents were complicated. I loved them, but it was hard for others to do the same. That was the reason I hadn’t brought Freya around.
“Yes, Mother?”
“Why do I have to hear from the Newtons you have a girlfriend?”
Fucking shit, this would not go well. Homecoming was good, if I didn’t take into account Prescott trying to ask Freya to dance. I almost punched my brother but refrained.
“I have a girlfriend, Mother.”
“Max, don’t mock me. We are having a barbecue on Saturday; bring her over. I want to meet her.” Mom kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I wondered if I should have told her I’m dating Freya Pratt. What would she have said then? But then I realized I didn’t care what my parents thought of her. Freya was my girl, and no one was taking her away from me.
“Are you sure I look okay?”Freya stopped before I could open the door to my backyard. I already told her she looked beautiful, but she didn’t believe me. The weather was getting chilly, and I loved her sweater; it fell past a shoulder, revealing a hint of skin, and those jeans… don’t even get me started on the way they cupped her ass. I was already thinking of ways I could get her to myself, so I could make her moan my name. It was my new favorite hobby, watching her fall apart. I knew what I felt for her even if I had yet to tell her. I loved her, and I knew once they got to know her, my parents would love heras well.
“You are the most beautiful girl in this town.”
“Max, now you’re just talking crap. Come on, let’s get this over with. Let’s go meet your mom and dad.” She tried to give me an easy smile, but I saw through it. She was nervous as hell.
Like always, my parents’ parties were more for politics than just to have fun and kick it.
My father was at the grill with some of his friends, and my mother was sitting with Mrs. Newton having a drink. Holding on to Freya’s hand, I gave her a reassuring squeeze.
“Mom, I would like you to meet Freya Pratt, my girlfriend.” My mother turned around and smiled at Freya and me. Maybe I had judged my mother too harshly, I knew deep down she always wanted what was best for us.
“Lovely to meet you, Freya.”
“You too, Mrs. Dunnett. You have a lovely home.”
“Of course, she does. Did you expect anything less?” Mrs. Newton said, making me hold on to Freya’s hand a little tighter.
“No, that’s not what I meant at all. It’s just that—"
“Excuse us. We’re getting food.” I pulled Freya with me. I would not let her be subjected to Mrs. Newton’s nasty comments.