“Me,” my father mocked.

Gunner looked stunned about this and dare I say ashamed.

“How long have you known?” he asked, not denying it.

My father didn’t answer, just shook his head in disgust.

“Does it matter?”

Gunner didn’t say anything for a second, but then in a grave voice, replied. “No, brother, it doesn’t. I fucked up. You don’t understand—”

“What I don’t understand is the fact that you betrayed us.”

My father grabbed Gunner by the collar of his vest and pushed him against the wall.

Nate and I spurred into action, pulling them apart.

“You don’t think he’s the rat?” Nate asked, enraged.

My father’s face said it all. Chaos had broken loose, and if Finley and Duncan lost their lives for this, I was going to murder my father myself.

“For fuck’s sake, Axton, I would never betray the club!” Gunner yelled at him. “You don’t understand, that bitch was a fucking snake that got in your head. It didn’t go on for long, and I came clean to Micah.”

We all stood in shock at what he said. None of us had expected that.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” my father asked.

“Because I wasn’t the only brother she had fucked. I didn’t want that shit to get out. I didn’t want Finley to know her mother as a whore. And if there was one thing Micah cared about more than anything, it was his little girl. He even put up with that bitch to not fuck things up for Finley.”

That made sense. Having a girl had changed Micah’s views on the club.

Before we could discuss more, my brother came barging in.

“They found Duncan,” he said with relief.

“Where?” my father and I asked at the same time.

“One of the new houses on the edge of town. Someone said they saw a van pull up and found it suspicious. A few cops on our payroll got the call, and they let us know. Andre and Ace have him now. They said he looked in bad shape, but he was alive. They are bringing him here now.”

“Someone call the doctor to get here ASAP,” Gunner yelled.

“And Finley?” I asked.

My brother’s face fell. “We don’t know anything. She wasn’t there anymore.”

“What do you mean anymore?” My anger was starting to rise.

“Andre went inside the house, and from what he gathered, she put up a fight,” Huxley replied.

Of course she did. That was my girl—a fucking fighter.

“They took her,” Huxley said grimly.

“Any clues?”

“A Spanish soccer match was on, so cartel is involved,” Hux said. “They’re going to find her, right?” he asked me, sounding scared out of his mind.

I hated that he looked at me for reassurance because if she was—no,whenshe was—found, I would tear this world apart to get revenge.