My cheek turned from the force of Silas’s slap. The sting of his hand burned on my skin. I glared at him. This was nothing like the Silas I knew.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” he seethed.
I took a step back, but he was right there holding on to my throat.
“You fucked Enzo Toscano.”
“Y-y-you fucked…” It was hard to get words out. Part of me couldn’t believe Silas had hit me.
“Yeah, because you’re a slut, but you know what, Ember? You are still mine. So go fuck Enzo—hell, the whole fucking world—but at the end of the day, I’m the one who owns this.” His hand came to my pussy, gripping it with force, making me howl in pain.
“Stop!” I howled, my heart pounding hard against my ribs. “Get off me!”
I tried to push him off, but instead, he pushed me back until I hit his desk with my back painfully. He then turned me around and bent me over the desk.
“Enough, Silas! Let me go!”
He had me trapped, I couldn’t move at all, and that was when fear like I had never felt before ran through my body. People always said my name was fitting because I was full of fire, but at this moment, I felt like my veins were freezing over. My body started to shiver. The pit of my stomach felt like it had a hole that was an endless void. Bile made its way up my throat.
“I tried this your way. Now we do this mine.”
Silas grabbed my long hair and wrapped it in his hand. He pulled it so tight my scalp burned. He brought his arm on top of me, and he leaned his weight on me so I couldn’t move. I felt his erection press against my ass, and for the first time in my life, I prayed.
Silas turned his computer monitor around and dug through files hidden amongst files until he played a video for me.
Every. Single. Time. I’d given my body so freely to him, and he’d recorded it. My eyes burned with unshed tears, my throat felt tight, and under my tongue saliva pooled. The video he showed me was manipulated to his liking.
“Stop… Ember, stop… Goddammit… I said, stop.” Silas’s voice sounded pissed.
In the video, it looked like I was in his lap trying to seduce him. I remembered that day. It was during fashion week; he’d hated the dress I was wearing because it was too short. When we made it to his apartment, he wanted to fuck me. He was begging me not to make him come yet, not for me to stop.
“Please.” My breathy moan made me flinch. “Please. I’ve waited so long for this.”
I sounded like a wanton slut who wanted to seduce her uncle. I watched as the screen showed my face buried in his neck before I kissed him. My eyes blurred as I kept watching. This was all wrong. I was referring to the fact that he had fingered me on the ride home without letting me come, not what the video implied. While my face was buried in his neck, he was telling me he loved me. The footage showed Silas throwing me to the side on the couch as he looked distressed, when in reality, he did that so he could fuck me into next week.
“Why?” I croaked as the footage turned to another clip that looked like it was from the same day, but I knew it wasn’t. I was on my knees, sucking Silas off with a smirk on my face.
Silas gripped my hair, forcing me to keep watching.
“Not one time did you tell me you loved me,” he hissed. “I was prepared to make you my queen, Ember, and you proved to be a backstabbing bitch, just like all of them.”
“Silas, this is wrong,” I pleaded as I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t have to look at the screen.
He laughed. “Wrong? You sure as fuck didn’t think that when your pussy would get all wet when I fucked it. You did this to yourself, Ember.”
“Silas, let me go…please.” My eyes were still closed, and for the first time in my life, I was begging.
He brought his lips to my ear and kissed behind my neck. My skin crawled.
“Never. I can’t. I am never letting you go.”
“I’ll go to the police, asshole!” I screamed, trying to break free.
“I will release that video and more. You seduced me. You came to me. Who do you think they’ll believe? You, the drug addict, the party heiress who is always on the tabloids for reckless behavior, or me, the orphan boy who got a new chance at life and has won humanitarian awards? I’m a man, and I can only take so much.”
He stopped talking and started to pull my pants down.
“How could I resist…”