“You’re causing a scene,” Silas said in a calm voice, but his eyes told a different story. I would pay for this later.
“Take. Your. Hands. Off. Me.Uncle.” We were in a stare-down, neither of us wanting to back down.
“Let her go,” was said in a lethal tone beside me.
I closed my eyes. Ren just fucked up.
“You don’t tell me what to do,” Silas growled.
“I do when you’re hurting her.” Ren pulled me away from Silas’s hold and dragged me out of the meeting room.
Actions had consequences, and mine were taking me straight to hell.
Once in the hallway, I pushed Ren away. “What part of ‘don’t say a word’ didn’t you fucking understand?”
“He was hurting you,” Ren stated, like that was answer enough.
People were staring at us, or more at him.
When we were alone in the elevator, I said, “You hurt me too.”
“The difference is, your pussy gets wet when I do it.”
I kept my mouth shut as the elevator went down, counting down the floors before we got off.
When the door pinged, I turned around, finding Ren right behind me. He looked down on me, his blue eyes bright. The shape of his lips invited me to repay him for what he’d done to mine. We were so close already; this was perfect. My knee went up fast before he could register my move. He bent with a grunt, holding on to his balls.
“Now,thatmade me wet.” I walked away with a smile.
“Fuck…you’re a bitch.”
Only when people push me to be one. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt raindrops on my face. I had barely tilted my face toward the sky when I heard questions being fired my way.
“Is it true your father is in critical condition?”
“Was this an attempt on his life?”
“Can you confirm this was no accident?”
“How are you handling the news?”
I couldn’t see past the reporters and their flashing cameras. The one thing I knew to do since I was old enough to go out on my own was evade reporters, and I froze. I was trying to find my way out when an arm wrapped around my waist, and I was pressed against a chest. Not just any chest—Ren’s. I closed my eyes as I pressed closer to him while he led us away from the reporters. We walked until I was sure the headquarters were long behind.
“No thanks?” Ren said once we stopped walking.
“Do you need me to praise you for doing your job?” I mumbled against his chest.
Ren didn’t say more, but he also didn’t let go of me nor push me away. The rain was starting to pick up, and with my eyes still closed, I tipped back, enjoying the sense of washing away my sins, if only just temporarily. When I opened my eyes, it wasn’t the azure of the dark sky staring down at me, it was Ren’s penetrating gaze.
In ways, he was so close when he still was too far away. My lip was sore, but I wanted to know how he kissed, without the pain of his teeth. With my eyes, I begged for him to do what I would never do with words. His mouth opened, and his tongue peeked out as he licked his lower lip. The air got thick, and the water started to come down faster.
Falling for Ren was dangerous, and I wasn’t that much of a bitch.
I smiled up at him. “Now Iamwet.”
Something flashed in his eyes as he stared at me, but he didn’t comment. His lips did tip in a small grin, though.
His hand shot up, and my belly dipped, wondering what he was going to do, but when he pulled away, I noticed he called a taxi over.