Ren was by my side as I handed out blankets that weren’t as thick as Mrs. Rosales’s, but it was better than nothing, and he had bought pizzas.
Actions didn’t just speak louder than words; they also destroyed your soul.
“Everything will be fine, right?”I asked for reassurance.
“Nothing is going to happen,” Ren said, and I believed him. “When we’re there, you don’t leave Gideon’s side.”
I nodded.
“At all, Ember. No matter what.”
His words brought dread deep in the pit of my stomach, making me feel queasy.
I changed into the clothes Ren got me yesterday. I still found it weird that the doctor gave me booties to wear, but I missed my heels, part of my armor, so I didn’t think much of it until I felt something digging into my feet. I turned the shoe upside down, and a Visa card came out. No name, one of those reusable ones.
The doctor was giving me help in case I wanted to run. I left it in the bag. I wouldn’t need that tonight. I put on a pair of jeans and the crop top from yesterday. Around my neck was my mother’s choker. When Ren gave it back to me, it was like getting back a piece of my strength. I never knew my mother, yet I loved her. Kinda pathetic, right? I was not going to cower with fear because of Silas. He’d made me afraid for far too long, and I was done. I was a diamond, and I didn’t break.
Ren walked back into the room. He was wearing sweatpants and a white T-shirt.
“You can still see my marks,” he mused.
“Aren’t you so proud?”
“Oh, I am.”
I glared at him.
“You’re always carrying weapons. Why not today?”
“Can’t go packing to the event.”
What did I know? I would have felt better if he brought some weapons.
As if he read my mind, Ren said, “I don’t need a gun or a knife to kill.”
Right. He could snap a guy’s neck.
“Okay, let’s go.” I took a deep breath and walked out the room. Ren put his hand behind my back as we made our way downstairs. Gideon was waiting for us already. He was wearing dark jeans with combat boots and a black long-sleeved shirt. As for Pam, she was in a hoochie peach dress that looked striking against her tanned skin.
For a second, I wished I had one of my candles. If I needed a little extra protection, today was the day. We all walked outside, where two black BMW motorcycles were parked.
“What happened to taking the car?”
“It’s going to get packed. If shit hits the fan, getting out in the car is going to be a bitch.”
“How do you even get these things?” I asked as Ren handed me a helmet.
“Cashing markers,” Gideon answered as he straddled his bike. He waited for Pamela to get her slutty ass on the back, and he took off.
It was just me and Ren left. He was still not on his bike, staring at me as I put on the helmet.
“When this is over, I’m going to teach you to fly.” He straddled his bike and then helped me get on. “Hold on tight, princess.”
The motor of the bike purred smoothly, sending a wave of excitement despite the nerves I was feeling. We took off in the night, weaving in and out of traffic until we made it to a popular nightclub. Ren parked next to Gideon in a handicapped spot.
“Um…you do know you’ll get towed, right?” I told both of them as they put the helmets away.
“Cops won’t be coming this way tonight,” Ren told me as he held my hand and led me toward the club.