My eyelids close, attempting to suppress the next swell of tears that threaten to take over when I hear footsteps in the distance. My eyes ping open, adrenaline zapping through my veins as I try with all my might to speak, but nothing comes out.
Whatever Clementine has done to me, I can’t fight through it.
I listen to the footsteps, focusing all of my attention on each step. They’re getting closer and closer. I just have to hope they’ll think to step into my bathroom so they can see me, but my chances of help are slim.
The floor vibrates beneath my face, declaring just how close they are, when a shadow falls over the doorway. My hopes are shattered in a split second when I see who is looking down at me.
“Ah, Adrianna, you’re right where she said you would be. It’s good to know the butterfly kiss has done its job.” He points at the back of his neck, confirming the name of the gem at work as he steps into the room. “What’s the matter? Aren’t you happy to see me?”
It feels like my eyes bulge from all of the emotions I’m feeling but can’t express, and a grin spreads across Fairbourne’s face.
“Ah, it’s working extremely well then. That’s fabulous, but I think perhaps I’ll use this time to get under your skin while we wait for the kingdom to fall at Clementine’s feet.”
He’s nothing like the man I recall from my time at the academy. His professionalism is gone, making way for his sadistic side to shine through. But the fact that he’s dressed in worn jeans and a wrinkled shirt seems weird, even for him. The five o’clock shadow along his chin is overgrown, his hair looks like he’s run his fingers through it a thousand times, and the bags under his eyes make it seem as though he hasn’t slept in weeks.
My assessment of him is cut short as he crouches down in front of me, making my breath hitch in my throat as he presses his fingertip against the gem at the back of my neck. Hushed words under his breath circle around me as I feel my airways flex.
“I promise you, I’m going to kill you first,” I snarl, my tongue lifting from the floor of my mouth as I narrow my eyes at him.
Whatever the fuck he just did eased some of the magic at play, and I have to use that to my advantage. Somehow.
“Now, now, Adrianna. I just helped you, you surely can’t get mad at me.” He presses his palm flat against his chest, eyes wide as if he didn’t expect my anger, even though he just said he wanted to get under my skin.
“Why are you here and not at Clementine’s side as she takes down the kingdom?” I ask, noting the darkness that casts over his vision as he leans back to sit down in front of me.
“Because this role was made for me,” he says with a sniff, not meeting my gaze, and I can sense he’s not happy about it. Not really.
“The role of babysitting was made for you? You brought that woman back to this kingdom, burned every bridge you’ve ever had for her, and she puts you on babysitting duty?” I scoff, the sound cementing the irritation taunting the features on his face.
“You have no idea what she has given me. I would do anything for Clementine, sacrifice anything for her. I know my place, she knows my loyalty.”
It’s almost like a personal mantra he’s spun for so long to make himself believe it, but I can see its flaws, I can see through the cracks.
“You’re her puppet, can’t you see that?” I somehow manage to keep my voice low, soft, definitely condescending, and his eyebrows pinch as his jaw tics.
“You know nothing,” he snarls, leaning closer. “I can press my fingers to the butterfly kiss and seal your lips shut again if you don’t watch yourself.”
That’s because I’m getting under his skin as much as he’s getting under mine. But I’m not done yet.
“Is it because Orenda has more to offer her? Does she favor him a little more now?” I push, earning a growl in response as he moves impossibly close, just like I want him to.
Not only did he relax the stone’s magic to allow me to speak, but he relaxed it just enough for my wolf to come to the surface.
My claws protrude from my right hand, swiping through the air and slicing across his face.
Bone by bone, I shift. Allowing my wolf to take over as he cowers back in surprise. My chest heaves with every full breath I take, but instead of charging at him like I want to, my wolf does what’s necessary.
She claws at me instead.
I hiss at the bite of pain, but fight through it as I feel the butterfly kiss loosen at my neck. Three more swipes and it clatters to the floor beside me.
I’ve probably released some other devilish prisoner now, but that’s not a priority at the moment. My bones crack as I shift back, crouching before Fairbourne with a snarl on my lips as he sits with his jaw slack and eyes wide in a mixture of shock and horror.
There are probably questions he could answer for me, but they can all be answered by someone else so I don’t waste my breath on him a moment longer.
My magic floods my veins, consuming every inch of me as I stand, blasting fire at him with my right hand, and air at him with my left. A fiery cyclone storms toward him.