“No way. That would be extremely dangerous,” Arlo insists, exasperation ghosting over his features as he shakes his head, and Cassian turns to him with a deathly look darkening his eyes.
“Sheis extremely dangerous,” he states, pointing a finger in my direction. “She can also handle herself better than the rest of us,” he adds, painting me as the warrior he always seems to see me as.
Arlo’s jaw falls slack, slams shut, and repeats three times before his gaze settles on me. “Addi, I?—”
“Maybe he’s right,” I interrupt, an apologetic smile on my face. “We still don’t know where they are, they haven’t shown themselves at our doorstep yet. Maybe what will really piss them off is seeing how unfazed I am.” My words linger in the air as his face slumps, his chin finding his chest as he sighs.
“I can’t advise you if you won’t listen to reason, Addi,” Arlo insists, placing his palms flat on the table as he looks up through his lashes at me. Before I can respond, Flora places her hand on top of his, squeezing for good measure before she speaks.
“That’s exactly what it is, Arlo. She doesn’t have to take it.” She nods at him even though he’s not looking before she casts her attention my way. “Go with your gut, Addi. It’s brought you this far already,” she insists with a soft smile.
Wiping a hand down my face, I avoid the desire to press my fingers into my eyeballs to ease the tension rising through me and pinch the bridge of my nose instead. It does little to alleviate the stress.
The table remains silent, waiting for my call to action. Tilting my face, I lock eyes with Cassian across from me first, my eyes drifting to Raiden beside him as Brody gives me his usual charismatic smile. Arlo is still looking down as Flora tries to silently console him, while Beau and Kryll sit to my right, looking to me for the answer.
Lacing my fingers together, I think about the situation on a grander scale. Not just about my safety, but the kingdom’s. We can’t keep waiting for them to make the next move. It leaves them with the upper hand, and I refuse to allow it to continue anymore. The kingdom doesn’t deserve this constant feeling of walking on eggshells, waiting for another attack, more loss of life, another massacre.
But if I step outside these gates, what are my intentions?
What am I hoping to achieve?
What will the backup plan be?
What steps will we need to take once we do lure them out?
My mind swirls with the endless possibilities until the answer rises from the vortex like a wraith. Suddenly, the path before us is crystal clear. I know it deep in my gut.
Rising from my seat, I’m aware my legs are still a little like jelly after last night with my men. That feeling needs to go away before I do anything. My fingers ghost over the table as I steel my spine, settling my gaze on Raiden before I speak.
“We need to lure them out, but we need to do it with a plan in place. One that covers all bases,” I state, and a malicious grin spreads over his features.
“I thought you would never ask.”
Preparing to step out of the castle feels frightening. Like I’m laying our future in someone else’s hands instead of taking control like I’m supposed to. My stomach churns, panic threatening to get the better of me, but it’s this or let Clementine continue on her war path, and that option feels far worse in comparison.
“Are you ready, Dagger?” Brody asks through the closed door, and I shake my head before remembering he can’t see me.
“Almost. I’ll meet you down there in a second.”
He murmurs his agreement and the sound of retreating footsteps dissolves in the distance as I stand in front of the mirror, assessing myself one final time.
Fuck calm, fuck collected.
That’s not what’s needed in this moment.
I need to be fierce.
I need to be strong.
I need to be powerful.
And I’m not leaving this room without that belief in myself.
As I take another deep breath, a knock sounds from the door. “I’ll meet you down there.”
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