“Thank you so much for coming. No. Thankyouso much for coming. Definitely not. Fuck. Try again. Thank yousomuch for coming… I don’t think we should invite them anymore.”
I give up. I am defeated.
“Dagger, I think it’s a little late for that. They’re downstairs seated at that grand-as-fuck dining table in a room I didn’t know existed. I don’t think you can back out now.” The humor in Brody’s voice overtakes his soothing words, making me glare at him and his attempt to calm me down.
“Brody, I can’t go down there. I can’t even speak,” I insist, smoothing my hands over the deep-blue silk dress that fits my curves in the most perfect way. I might feel good in what I’m wearing, but I don’t feel good about what I have to say.
“Princess, you’ve addressed the kingdom how many times in the last six months?” Kryll asks, cocking a brow at me, earning himself a deathly stare just like Brody.
“That’s beside the point,” I grumble, relenting enough to sit at the foot of our bed to slip into my simple black heels. “This is different and you know it.”
Raiden is crouched down before me in a flash, thumb mindlessly stroking over my knee as he looks deep into my eyes. “It’s different because you know these people, Adrianna. I’d even go as far as to say you like them, which is rare for you, I know, but you’re overwhelmed because you care.”
“I’m not overwhelmed,” I mutter, opting to look at my hands instead of his face.
“We can stay up here and I can fuck you into the mattress while these guys go and entertain the guests for you?” Cassian interjects, pulling my stare to his as he leans against the doorframe that leads into the bathroom.
“Please, there’s no way she would be quiet. They would definitely hear,” Brody says with a snicker, and I gape at him.
“I can be quiet.”
“Sure you can, Princess. Care to put it to the test?” Kryll offers, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
“You’re all impossible,” I grumble, taking Raiden’s offered hand as he tugs me to my feet, pressing me right against his chest as he grins down at me.
“That’s your fault,” he states, so matter-of-factly, and I sigh in defeat.
“Let’s get this over with before I change my mind,” I say, faking way too much confidence.
Any refusal I expect doesn’t come, as they all take the moment and my surrender and hurry me out of the door and down the hallway.
I’m never nervous about things like this, but it seems my Kryptos can see through my bullshit. With Raiden’s fingers laced with mine, and Kryll’s hand at the small of my back, we walk ahead of Cassian and Brody, descending the stairs far too quickly.
My steps slow as we approach the royal dining hall. My tongue peeks out to run over my bottom lip, but any chance of a moment to gather myself before we step inside is obliterated when Nora sticks her head out.
“Oh, good. You’re here,” she says with a beaming smile, grabbing my wrist and pulling me from Raiden and Kryll.
I instantly feel the loss of my men, the safety blanket they silently provide ripped away as the room comes into view and the table full of our guests materializes.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Addi, your panic is showing,” Nora breathes, a grin on her lips still as she ushers me farther into the room.
I plaster a smile on my face, delirious as hell, but as our guests start to notice my arrival, they rise from their seats and the role of queen washes over me. Rolling my shoulders back, I relax the tense muscles in my face, my smile much more natural now as I approach the far end of the table with my hand extended.
“Thank you for coming, Commander North.” He nods, gripping my hand in a firm handshake.
“Thank you for the invite, Queen Adrianna.”
I shake my head at the formal title he uses, but I remember the reason we’re here, so instead of correcting him to just call me Addi, I keep my lips tightly shut.
Releasing his hand, I make my way around the table, smiling at the woman who appears next. “It’s a pleasure, as always. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation. Your presence is greatly appreciated, Queen of the Dragons.”
Kryll’s mother gives me a knowing smirk, glancing over my shoulder to wink at her son before she takes my hand, her grip questionably tighter than Commander North’s.
“The pleasure is all mine. I believe this partnership will serve us both well.”