Page 89 of The Court of Truth

The lights and cameras flicker as I step out of the castle doors and take the cobbled pathway down to the wrought-iron gates. Nerves threaten to get the better of me as I take slow, measured steps alone, but all four of my men are already waiting by the podium. Kryll and Brody stand to the left, Cassian and Raiden to the right. They’re all dressed in similar outfits, excluding the cloak, crown, and dagger sheaths, but seeing them like that makes me feel even more united than ever. Even if they are technically in clothing meant for war.

It’s too late to backtrack now. The plan that formed in my mind in the early hours of the morning took root and I haven’t stopped moving with the motions since. The back of my eyelids will be burning soon from the exhaustion that comes with only a few hours sleep, but that’s a problem for later. Right now, the steps I need to take have to happen immediately. The hours I’ve waited to gather the media already feel like enough time has been wasted.

Especially when I’m going to be leaving the ball in Clementine’s court by the time I’m done.

The iron gates open as I near and the cameras flash brighter and faster as I approach the wooden podium lined with microphones. It’s almost overwhelming, but I connect with my mind magic, tricking my mind and internally blurring the commotion around me so I’m not completely immobilized by the crowd.

Curling my fingers around the podium in front of me, I roll my shoulders back, lift my chin high, and look straight into the camera ahead of me.

“Thank you so much for taking the time to come to the castle this morning. I won’t keep you long.” I run my tongue over my bottom lip, reeling in the fact that everything will soon hang in the balance of Clementine’s reaction to my next words. “As we’re all aware, the kingdom is under threat. Members of the old council, along with professors from the academy and a significant number of our soldiers, who took oaths to protect this kingdom, have taken to Clementine’s side. I need to make myself clear: I will not rule this kingdom by wielding fear. I will not push a narrative that suits only me. We’re all feeling the burden of this threat, now more than ever. I can say that I heeded the warning aimed my way at Glacial Lake. I’ve taken a step back, I’ve let the waters calm, but the tsunami is still coming.”

My knuckles whiten as I try to suppress the true anger I feel.

“I’ve been calm and collected because that’s what I believed the kingdom needed of me, but the night I was chosen as the kingdom’s new heir, I was on the battlefield, taking down frenzied vampire after frenzied vampire to keep our kingdom safe. I’ve come to realizethat’sthe leader we need in this moment. That’s the leader you all chose then, and that’s the leader I choose to be now.”

Swallowing past the emotions clogging my throat feels impossible, but my voice somehow remains steady.

“I take great delight in being the one to inform you that our defense leader, Raiden Holloway, destroyed the source of the frenzied vampires yesterday evening. I can now assure you they will no longer pose a threat to our kingdom.”

Cheers and applause echo from the gathered crowd as the camera turns in my vampire’s direction. I pause for a moment, letting him soak in their appreciation for his efforts. I can’t stop myself from glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, noting his own appreciation at my choice of words to describe the demise of his father.

No names. No details. Not even an inkling they were connected to a living being at all.

Just a source.


Turning back to the camera, I steel my spine, ready to drive my final statement home.

“With that being said, the final threat that remains is Clementine Reagan and her following, and to them, I have only one thing to say. If you want it, come and get it.”



Nothing gets my dick harder than watching the woman I’m obsessed with dominate as a leader.

She’s always been a powerhouse. A total fucking warrior. But now, watching her rule this kingdom as their queen is something else entirely.

My interest was piqued the moment I laid eyes on her. It only grew when she demanded someone help heal the human that Vallie hurt. It feels like forever ago, but I knew she had me under a spell even then.

I pushed for a date, definitely causing a disaster in my wake, but it’s safe to say it was all worth it. I was impressed with her, now I’m in love with her too.

We’ve all grown. Every last one of us. And it feels like a lifetime ago, yet we’ve barely scratched the surface.

Now, as her power hangs in the balance and the kingdom demands her leadership, she paces back and forth in our bedroom, stopping to look out the window a few times, but she’s definitely in her head.

“Are you ready for the backlash?” I ask. My words seem harsh and Kryll hits the back of his hand against my chest, but there’s no point hiding from the fact.

“I don’t think I ever will be,” she admits without glancing my way.

She made her speech a few hours ago, but we all know they’re not going to spring into action right away. It’s a classic move to wait us out, make us think we’ve forgotten before they make their move.

Their issue is, my father is on their side and I’ve seen all his moves before. I refuse to fall victim to one of his tricks again. I’m also ready for the cosmic realignment that will come when I bring him to his end. After watching Cassian and Raiden get to experience it, I’m ready for my turn.

“Wearing a hole in the floor in front of the window isn’t going to help you,” I state, making her pause as she turns to glare at me before she rolls her eyes with a sigh.

“I feel like my nerve endings are burning through my skin,” she admits, mindlessly untying her braid before preparing to do it again.