I sat there for a moment and just listened. I couldn’t hear anything but the storm raging outside and the small fan on my bedside table that created white noise. I reached over and shut it off. Then I just listened.

After sitting there for a moment, I finally got up, used the bathroom, and washed my hands, leaving my wet panties on the floor by the toilet. I’d deal with them and the rest of my laundry tomorrow. I shut off the light and just stood in the doorway of my en suite looking into my bedroom. My comforter and sheets were a messy pile in the center of the mattress, but other than that, everything looked normal.

I closed my eyes and exhaled before rubbing them, and although it was way too early in the morning, I didn’t know if I’d be able to go back to sleep. I felt too wired. I sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed my cell phone.

I’d gotten a text from my mom, dad, and sister earlier in the night stating they’d gotten home okay. I’d gotten one from Oli, as well, stating he was safe. So if my family was all right, I wasn’t sure where this uneasiness was coming from.

I set my phone back on the bedside table, looked out the window for a couple more seconds, and was about to lie back down when the sound of my shower curtain moving along its rod made me freeze. I closed my eyes, telling myself it was just my imagination, when suddenly a floorboard creaked behind me causing me to hold my breath.

Although I had my eyes closed and refused to so much as breathe, I couldn’t hear anything aside from how fast my heart was beating. Even the storm seemed to muffle with my surge of adrenaline and fear.

I wasn’t alone, and now it made sense why I felt so off.

I’d known I wasn’t by myself.

“I’ve been watching you sleep all night.” The deep voice came from behind me, low and scratchy. “Watched you touch yourself. I wonder what you were dreaming of, little girl.”

I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm.

“Wanted to go to you and spread your thighs, take your pussy in my mouth, and get you off. It would have turned me on so fucking much. Making you come without you even knowing I was doing it makes my cock throb.”

Still, I didn’t move, but I was panting now, my hands curled into tight fists in my lap, my mind working overtime as I thought about how I could escape, how I should make a run for the door while he was on the other side of my bed. I’d have a tiny head start with the wooden frame and soft mattress between him and my escape route, me with a straight shot.

I slowly curled my hands into tight fists at my side, but instead of bolting forward, I turned and faced the man in my bedroom. At first, I couldn’t see much. There was too much panic welling in me. I felt frantic, couldn’t take in the littlest details.

But then I spotted him in the corner of the room between my bathroom and the window wearing all black and a glowing neon facemask. The mask was reminiscent of something out of a horror movie in which a group of sadists went around killing people. Neon X’s marked out his eyes, and a grotesque grin shaped the mouth.

For long moments, neither of us spoke. I was pretty sure I was the only one breathing. I looked at my bedroom door out the corner of my eye, not wanting to show him what I was planning by moving my head.

“Go on, little girl. Make a run for it. I want to chase you.”

It was when he chuckled that I darted for the door, gripped the handle, and tore it open. I ran out and was about to hit the staircase and sprint downstairs when I felt his hand wrap around my ponytail and yank me back against his chest.

He laughed deeper, harder, and dragged me back to the room, kicking and screaming.

I didn’t want this… but oh my God, what was this feeling between my thighs? A tingling. A warmth.

An intense wrongness.

We were back in my room, and he slammed the door shut, pressed my back to it, and towered over me in that terrifying neon mask.

Long seconds passed in which he didn’t speak, just stared at me. I couldn’t see much through the darkness of the room and the shadows crowding us. His mask, although lit, was dim and not overpowering. Just enough to see between the two of us.

It was petrifying.

He dragged out a knife and held it in front of me. I felt my eyes widen and pressed my back to the door, my palms flat against the cool, hard wood.

“Don’t move,” he cooed and lifted that knife right to my throat, pressing the tip to my neck. “I might cut you if you do.”

I shivered and closed my eyes, the blade cold but warming from my body heat.

“But if I’m being honest, little girl, I want to slice this pretty flesh and watch it turn red with your blood.”

And when I felt his hand between my thighs, a soft sound left me, one that humiliated me because it wasn’t just of fear.

This is wrong. God, this is so wrong, but it feels so good.

I was sick and twisted getting off on the way this masked intruder touched me. His breathing was hard as he dug his knife into my throat a little more, pulling a moan from me.