He slowed once we got into the town square and turned into the drive-through of the best burger and milkshake joint in Cherry Falls. He ordered their special, twoThe Fallsburgers, a double order of their crispy, seasoned curly fries, and fried apple cakes, and finished the order with two orange cream milkshakes.
And then we were off again with the bags and drinks in tow and headed to our next destination, which I soon found out was the Cherry Falls movie drive-in. I felt my eyebrows rise to my hairline as I glanced between the drive-in entrance and Tristan. He was grinning from ear to ear.
As I stared into his blue eyes and knew that things seemed to be moving at lightning speed, I’d never heard words that resonated with me so deeply as what Tristan had just said.
“I want everything with you, Tristan.”
And then he groaned and kissed me over and over again, and the movie was forgotten.
It had taken a lot of fucking self-control in the truck at the drive-in last night not to pull Dolly onto my lap and fuck her until she screamed out over and over that she was mine.
And honestly, I’d been avoiding her since then, since I’d walked her to her bedroom door and kissed her soundly and thoroughly as I told myself repeatedly not to back her into that room, lay her on the bed, and strip her completely.
I stayed away because I didn’t trust myself where she was concerned. But I couldn’t avoid her forever, not even for long, and it had nothing to do with the fact we lived together, and I’d be seeing her shortly for dinner tonight.
I couldn’t stay away because it wasDolly. She turned me inside out. She made me want things I’d never wanted before. She made me look at life in a whole other way, in a way that showed me that I didn’t have to live my life shackled with loneliness.
I braced my hands on the tiles of my bathroom shower and let my head hang between my shoulders as the hot water sluiced down my back. My cock was hard, so fucking hard that it hurt. And it had been like this off and on since she moved in, and every time I’d seen her in town over the years, hell, whenever I’d fucking thought of her.
But since our kiss on the couch, since making out with her in the truck last night all slow and easy, all nice and thoroughly, my dick had been hard and uncomfortable.
I’d been keeping myself busy every hour of every day, trying to keep my mind off of the erotic, filthy things I wanted to do to her. I ached, my muscles and bones sore from the manual, tedious work I put myself through, hoping it would be enough to force myself to sleep at night instead of wanting to jerk off.
Of course I was never too tired for that when I had Dolly on my mind. And releasing in my hand helped marginally, but after the initial high of coming with images of her in my mind, it became an empty orgasm, and my need for her racketed even higher.
So here I was, cock in hand, stroking myself as I squeezed my eyes shut and pictured Dolly spread out on my black flannel sheets as I parted her thighs and looked at how wet she was for me.
I groaned, hoping it was low enough she couldn't hear from where she was in the kitchen.
I made quick work of getting myself off as I pulled my cock in and out of my palm, stroking my length from root to tip before twisting my wrist at the crown and gritting my teeth as the pain and pleasure of my imminent orgasm started at the base of my spine.
And then I came so fucking hard I saw stars, and it took everything in me not to bark out a rough roar at the pleasure that consumed me. I bit my tongue hard enough I tasted blood, my cum shooting out of the tip of my cock and splashing against the wet tile in thick ropes of white.
When the pleasure receded, I rested my head on the wall again and closed my eyes, breathing hard, my cock softening, yet the orgasm had been empty now that I had gotten off. I stayed there a few more moments before turning the water off, towel drying my body, and changing into a set of clothes.
Then I went out of the room and headed to the kitchen, smelling savory scents of dinner cooking, and when I rounded the corner, I saw Dolly taking off the apron, smoothing her hands down her thick, wintery floral dress, and I let my gaze devour her form, how her curves were abundant and wholly female. I shouldn't have been able to get hard again so soon after coming, but here I was, standing in the entryway of the kitchen, my shaft thickening, lengthening, my need right back there at the forefront and refusing to be ignored any more.
I found myself moving before I knew what I was doing, now standing right in front of her, my hands cupping her face, which held a startled expression. Her lips were parted on a silent gasp.
I was transfixed by her red pillowy mouth that had my cock jerking and my head lowering on its own until I was kissing her and sliding my hands down the sides of her neck and pulling her harder against me. She was so tiny compared to me, something I found such a turn-on. It made me want to protect her, to shield her from the world.
Pulling back was once again hard as fuck, but I forced myself to back away—stumbled from her really—and gave her a smile. She took in a stuttering breath and lifted a hand to touch her lips, her eyes wide as she stared at me.
For long minutes we didn’t speak, just stared at each other, and it seemed like forever that we stayed like that before she finally said, “I hope you’re hungry. I made a feast.”
I grinned and started chuckling, and after a second, her vision cleared, and she laughed softly in return.
I held her chair out for her and leaned down to kiss her tenderly—loving that she shivered for me—and took my seat right beside her. Because fuck sitting across from Dolly. I wanted to be right next to her, wanted to be able to reach over and take her hand in mine if I needed to.
I was head over heels for her, pussy-whipped, obsessed… whatever the hell someone wanted to call it, I was all of that and more for Dolly.
An hour later, I had a full belly from the incredible dinner Dolly had made, and we were both sitting outside on the porch swing watching the sun set. It was chilly as fuck out, but neither one of us complained, and in fact I had a feeling she needed this as much as I did, something to help clear both of our thoughts and tame down our raging libidos.
She held a glass of wine in her hand, I had a beer in mine, and as beautiful as the orange and yellows, pinks and reds were as they blended together across the sky, it wasn’t as breathtaking as the woman sitting beside me.