The silence stretched out for a few moments before I said, “I’ll be moving into the room at the end of the week.”

“And the room and board is contingent on domestic duties, like what? Cooking, cleaning, stuff like that?”

I nodded again and stood, taking both of our plates to the sink. “I guess he’s had a housecleaner for some time, and I said I can pick up those duties, as well as tend to the garden, but that I’ll also be looking for other employment as I’m saving up.”

“Good. That's good,” he said, and I heard him behind me cleaning up the table. “Let me know if he turns out to be an asshole because I'll kick his ass.”

I couldn't help it. I started laughing and looked over my shoulder at him. “Dad? Really?” He shrugged but looked serious as hell. “Oh. You’re serious?” I grinned and turned to face him. “You are the most nonviolent and nonaggressive person I know.”

He didn't say anything as he finished cleaning off the table but then moved to stand beside me. “Where you’re concerned, I’m protective. What can I say?”

I felt any amusement leave me as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. “I love you, Dad.”

He cupped the back of my head and kissed the crown. “I love you, too, sweetheart.” A long pause of silence filled the space before he said, “But I will kick his ass if he bothers you, even if he’s bigger than me.”

My amusement rose back up, and I laughed. “Fair enough. Fair enough.”



The rest of the week had passed so quickly, a blur as I spent as much quality time with my father as I could in between looking for a job.

I felt like things were looking up, what with finding a place to live, rent and food covered, andfinallygetting employment. But it wasn’t just any job. It was employment at the town’s dance studio,Cherry Falls DanceStudio. I was only the secretary, but hell, I would be surrounded by all things dance related, so I was in heaven.

I’d left my father’s house twenty minutes before and was nearing Tristan’s home… my new home for the time being. I’d gotten my car back from the shop a few days ago, and although I’d held my breath when I waited for them to tell me the price, I’d been shocked that I hadn’t been charged anything except the cost of the part itself.

When I questioned why, which maybe had been stupid and I shouldn’t have looked a gift horse in the mouth, the pimply-faced teenager working behind the desk had told me,“Mr. Black fixed it on his days off, so you weren’t charged for labor.”

Since then, Tristan had really been all I could think about. I didn't know why he was helping me like this, but I’d find out eventually, because nothing in life was “free.”

I pulled my car to a stop in front of the ranch house and cut the engine. I sat there for long moments thinking about everything that had transpired in the last week or so.So much in such a short time.The inner front door was open, the screen blocking a clear shot into the home. I could see Tristan’s behemoth truck parked on the other side of the driveway, and my nerves ratcheted up even more.

And then the front door opened, and Tristan was stepping out, a massive man who had the air leaving my lungs violently and had that ache between my thighs deepening even more. Every part of my body tingled in female appreciation.

He stood there for a moment just staring at me, his faded, worn denim jeans encasing his strong, tree trunk-sized thighs perfectly. His heather gray T-shirt was stretched across his broad chest, and I swore I heard angels sing at the sight of a six-pack defined under the material.

He made his way down the porch steps, and there wasn’t anythingnotarousing about him.

I got out of the car and felt my hands start to shake because of how anxious I was. I was never good at hiding my emotions, and I felt like Tristan would be the type of person who could read someone easily just by being in the same room with them. So I clasped my hands together and gave him what I hoped was a normal looking smile and not one forced because he had my libido working overtime.

“Hey,” he said gruffly, and the smile that spread across his face was so genuine that it had my belly tightening in response. He actually looked like he wasso damn happyI was here, as if he’d been waiting for this day all week.

Or maybe that was just my overactive imagination and my desire for him being projected back at myself. Either way, I allowed myself to enjoy the feeling, even if it was probably misplaced.

We stood there for a moment just staring at each other, this heavy, thick pressure between us that wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but it felt like a second coating along my arms. Goosebumps popped out on my limbs, and I busied myself by turning around and opening the back door and grabbing the first bag I saw.

When I faced him again, I noticed the way his gaze snapped back up to my face and felt my cheeks heat because I’d caught him checking me out. He cleared his throat and ran his hand over the back of his neck, and I smiled a little at how clearly embarrassed he was.

“I want to thank you for fixing my car.” I hadn’t known how I would bring up the subject, but I knew it had to be cleared between us. “Thank you for working on it and saving me so much. You don’t know how much I appreciate that.” He’d saved me hundreds, if not thousands in labor. “I know my room and board is tied to domestic duties, like cooking and cleaning, but I’d really like to make you a nice dinner tonight to say thank you, ingredients on me?”

The look he gave me was so intense that I heard a small sound escape me.

He took a step closer, and I found myself moving one back, not because I was afraid, but because his close proximity did wicked things to me, things I’d never felt or experienced before… things I didn’t want to end.

My car stopped my retreat, and I placed my palms flat on the cold metal. He stared down at me for a long second, and maybe I should’ve been unnerved by his intensity, at the way his dark eyes were penetrating and latched on to me like an unbreakable bond.

It was as if he couldn’t bear to look away.I know the feeling.