My eyes went wide, my eyebrows no doubt practically up to my hairline. That certainly wasn’t what I expected him to say.

“Shit,” he grumbled and looked down at the ground. “I didn’t mean to just spit that out like that.” Logan lifted his head, his eyes locking on mine once more. “But it’s the truth. Ever since I saw you that first time, you’re all I can think about, Blythe.”

My heart was beating so hard it was actually painful. And there was no way I could form a coherent response in this moment.

He took a step back, and maybe I should have retreated, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to. I wanted Logan crowding the hell out of me. I had to tip my head back to keep looking into his face, this severe sincerity in his expression.

This was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Heck, this was like nothing I had ever envisioned before. Here was this massively large man, all male, his masculinity pouring from him until I couldn’t breathe in the best way, and he was telling me he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about me.

All I wanted to do was throw myself into his arms, and how fucking insane was that? But the need was so strong I actually felt myself take a step closer, as if I was actually going to press my body against his, as if I would soon be able to feel all that male hardness pressed to me.

“Let me take you out.”

His words had my body going tight, shock taking the front seat to my arousal.

He stared right in my eyes. “Let me spend time with you, Blythe.”

The way he said my name made me feel so... good. I still wanted to be naked with him, be sweaty and panting and moaning all the obscenities that came from taking a man such as him deep into my body. But I could be a lady, at least pretend to be right now. There was plenty of time for me to be horizontal with Logan.

But on the heels of that thought, I knew that's not all I wanted. He confused me simply because he had these emotions churning in me the likes of which were foreign. It not only confused me, but it trapped me deeply, and I didn’t want to get free.

I licked my lips and continued to hold his very green stare, as I said softly, “Okay. I’d like that.”



Icould tell she was nervous. She kept messing with her linen napkin, then running her finger across the edge of her wine glass. She would glance at me every once in a while, then look away quickly as not to seem obvious.

I liked that I put her on edge, fucking loved that she was aroused. That was plain as day by the way her pupils were fully blown, how her cheeks were tinged pink, by the way she was breathing a little faster and harder. I wasn’t even going to bring up the fact that her little nipples were hard enough to cut glass under her white cashmere-looking sweater.

“Why’d you agree to go out with me tonight?” I brought my glass of beer to my mouth and took a long drink as I stared at her over the rim. She shifted in the chair, looking everywhere but at me.

I was so turned on right now, and growing even more so by the way she squirmed, by how nervous I made her. I set the glass down and leaned forward, staring directly into her pretty blue eyes. I’d never seen a shade of blue like that, and never in my life been so transfixed by a single human being that they were my sole focus.

“Because,” she said slowly and looked up at me. I could see her resolve and strength growing in her, and goddamn that turned me on even more. “Because I’ve never felt like this, Logan.”

My cock punched forward even more at the way she said my name. I didn't hide the groan that rumbled out of my chest. Her eyes widened slightly, and her pupils became even more dilated, the black eating up the blue.

“What about you? Why did you ask me?” Her voice shook slightly, but I knew it wasn’t about fear or apprehension. It was about arousal.

I could have lied, sugarcoated this shit. But what was the point? “Because I saw you and I wanted you.”

Her pulse started to beat faster beneath her ear.

She was so fucking ready for me.

So. Ready.

And as I stared at her, I knew whatever this was that I felt, this chemistry, connection, the fucking hand of God, I’d never feel this way about anyone ever again. That told me my instinct on claiming her as mine was pretty fucking right.

She was right. For me.

I wasn’t going to let it go.

“Why are you looking like that?”

“Like what, Blythe?” I didn’t stop how the growl tore through my voice, making me sound less than civilized.