"I think we established I have a lot of free time." I filled it with volunteer work and events at the library. But over the years, I'd written the plays over holidays and long breaks. When everyone else spent them with family, I created fantasy worlds where everyone got their happy ending.
"What are the options?"
I went script by script, giving him a few lines of each plot. A few he rejected outright because he thought they sounded too elaborate. He seemed to have an eye for that. We narrowed it down to two.
Chance lifted the scripts in the air. "One with royals and fighting, which could be fun for the kids. Or another one with animals."
"We should do something different. The set would be challenging, but if we can get the local contracting company, Fletcher and Sons to help us, I think it'll be good."
"My work here is done." He handed me the scripts and pretended to brush off his hands.
"Thanks for talking through those with me. Scarlett gets really invested in each script and can't seem to choose which one, based on expense or anything else. It feels more like an emotional choice for her. And Eli just wants to make her happy." I stood and stuffed the papers into my bag, then slung the strap over my shoulder. When I straightened, I realized that Chance had actually moved closer to me, and I was trapped in the row with him.
It seemed like there was no way to escape him. His scent overwhelmed my senses, and his broad shoulders sent my heart racing. If Chance was interested in me, would he take this opportunity to touch me?
"Thanks for your help," I managed to squeak, hoping he'd move out of my way. I'd melt on the spot if I remained this close to him.
"Are you working with them as a volunteer?" Chance asked, his voice filled with concern for me.
"I guess so. We're friends." I shrugged.
"So you're not getting paid for your time?" Chance asked carefully.
I gripped the strap tighter. "Scarlett's my friend. I don't mind."
"You should get paid for your work."
"The scripts are silly. No one else would even read them, much less act them out." It was thrilling that Scarlett had wanted the first one. We were under a time constraint and limited budget, but now that Eli had purchased the theater for Scarlett, and was one of the board members, we could afford to find something else.
"Scarlett wouldn't consider them if they weren't quality work. She's worked in theater for years."
That was true, and I couldn't understand why she was even contemplating going forward with one of mine when she could have anything. With Eli's backing, money wasn't really an issue for her anymore. He'd support her in whatever she wanted to do.
Chance hadn't moved, and I was desperate to either touch him and give away my crush, or get as far away from him as possible. "I should be getting home."
Chance finally shifted out of the aisle and gestured for me to walk ahead of him. I preceded him up the aisle.
"Did you work all day and come here afterward?" Chance's voice was low and deep.
"I worked earlier so it wasn't a big deal." We'd eaten pizza for dinner. But it had been a long day.
Chance opened the door, then waited for me to lock up. I felt his presence behind me and knew he was scanning the area for any threats. I always felt safe with him.
Chance fell in step next to me as I led the way to my SUV, parked down the street.
I wondered if I should fill the silence, but then I remembered, this wasn't a date. Chance wasn't interested in me. He was just being polite. He would do this for any woman walking alone at night. It was just who he was.
I opened the door to my car before Chance could and slid inside. "See you around." It was best that I treat this relationship for what it was. A nice friendship. Chance didn't want the same things I did, and even if he did, he didn't want me.
Today was the harvest festival in town, and it was my duty to be present. My deputies were providing security and directing traffic. I enjoyed the action part of my job, but this was just as important. My dad had drilled the duties of the job into me. You had to be selfless, giving yourself to the town. There wasn't time for relationships and especially not a family. I'd witnessed that firsthand.
I passed by the stands selling baked goods, flowers, and produce. The air was cool, but the sun warmed me. It was the perfect fall day.
A live band played music at the other end of the street, and the smell of food wafted from the trucks selling food and drinks.