Page 10 of Wild Dreams

Eli sat on the edge, his feet dangling while he ate a slice of pizza.

Scarlett stopped and rung her hands. "You've written too many good plays."

I rolled my eyes, not believing her words for a second. I wrote plays with lessons for kids. I never imagined anyone would ever act them out. It was something fun I did to fill my time and a chance to work on my writing skills.

"If it were one of your theater groups, who would make the choice?" Eli asked, ever the business man.

"The theater itself would make the choice, whether it's a traveling production or in-house."

Eli smiled. "Well, then. It's up to me."

Scarlett stopped and crossed her arms over her chest. "But you're not qualified to make a decision this big."

Eli raised a brow.

"Just because you run a successful business doesn't mean that you're trained to do this. You don't know how it will look performed on the stage, or how many people will be interested in the storyline."

"It's a children's play," Eli said unhelpfully.

I winced at his characterization that it was any less important than any other production. "We have to make a decision soon, and this isn't helping."

"We should take a break." Eli stood and went over to Scarlett. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered something in her ear.

This was a frequent occurrence now. I'd walk in on them giggling in the office or kissing in a dark corner. I didn't want to know what else they were doing around here. But it only highlighted how very alone I was.

I needed to engage Scarlett in my plan to start dating again. I wanted a partner, someone I could come home to at the end of the day. Someone I'd share my thoughts and feelings with.

I hated the idea that I'd never find anyone in this small town. It was my dream to live here and raise my children in the same town I grew up in. Unlike my parents, I'd be involved with my kids' activities. I'd be there when they came home from school, with encouragement and love. No child of mine would ever question my love. Unfortunately, a relationship and kids didn't seem to be in my future. At least, not any time soon.

The doors to the front of the theater opened, bringing with it a gust of wind. Our papers ruffled as Chance walked down the aisle in his uniform. "Practice running late?"

Scarlett pulled away from Eli. "We're trying to choose a new production, but it's impossible. Marigold here wrote too many good ones."

I snorted because she was being dramatic.

"Do you want my help?" Chance asked, and everyone fell silent. Of all of us, he had the least experience in theater.

Eli grinned suggestively at Scarlett. "I think we need a break. I hear our rooftop deck calling to us."

"That sounds wonderful," Scarlett murmured as Eli helped her off the stage and guided her down the aisle.

"You two behave," Eli turned and said teasingly to us.

"Is that a joke?" I asked Chance when they slipped outside. "They're the ones leaving to get it on."

Chance grimaced. "That's my sister you're talking about."

I waved a hand in his direction. "Those two are kissing and touching each other constantly. I can't go anywhere in this theater without covering my eyes."

Chance groaned. "I didn't need to know that."

"I don't need to experience it either." It was nice to share something with Chance, even if it was just our mutual irritation with his sister.

I stuffed the scripts into my messenger bag, but Chance covered my hand with his. "Do you want to review the options with me? It might help to have someone neutral to check it.”

My breath hitched, and I pulled my hand out from under his. It tingled from the contact, and I was starting to wonder whether that would always happen. Did he even feel it? "I have a bunch of them."

"When did you have time to write so many?" Chance asked, leaning against the back of the chair in front of us.