Mason fell back in his seat.“That’s why I don’t have a plan, because nothing is foolproof.I don’t want to risk her any more than you do.I don’t want to do anything that risks your future happiness.Or the wrath of my wife.”
Fuck.They were screwed.
Maybe they’d catch a break and find Lopez’s hiding spot before he came after the ones they loved.
Chapter thirty-six
Thebarwasburstingwith customers.Every seat in the place was filled.Couples were packed tight on the dance floor.The music was loud, the booze flowing, and everyone was having a good time.Aria hadn’t had a break all night.She loved it when the customers were shoulder to shoulder in front of her and the waitresses were running ragged.
But none of that made her forget there was a man out there who wanted to hurt Nick by hurting her.The seven texts she’d received from him tonight reminded her that he didn’t like her away from him.But she had to have faith in the agents protecting her.She had to have faith in herself.
Mason had picked up Lyric two hours ago, to send her away.Aria hated that it was necessary.She’d miss her sister.But understood Mason’s need to keep her and their unborn daughter safe.
Aria had thought about going with her sister to ease Nick’s mind, but ultimately decided she was needed at the bar and didn’t want to spend any more time away from Nick.She trusted those protecting her.
Aria was filling orders for the waitresses while Jax and Parker covered the rest of the bar.She filled two glasses of chardonnay, two Bud Lights, and four margaritas, then sent the waitress off as someone sidled up to her at the end of the bar.
Suddenly, there were several loud cracking sounds outside.Everyone in the bar froze, wondering if it was gunfire, and stared toward the windows and door facing the lot.
The agents watching her headed for the door to check things out.
“Come with me if you want your boyfriend to live.”
It sounded like a line from a movie.
Aria went still as her gaze collided with the man, who had to be Javier Lopez, though his hair was cut short with some wave at the top.In the picture she’d seen, he’d had shoulder-length hair and a goatee.He was clean-shaven tonight with a few acne scars on his chin and cheeks.The look in his dark brown eyes was the same deadly one she’d seen in the picture.
He flipped up the pass-through, reached out, and gripped her throat.“I don’t have time for this.Move.”He tried to drag her forward but she pulled back, countering his move.
He cut off her breath to scream, so she picked up the paring knife next to the condiments she used to garnish drinks and slashed it across his arm to get him to release her.
He hissed at the nasty gash she left across his forearm, but he didn’t let her go.She desperately needed to breathe.So she swung her hand in an arc and this time stabbed him in the side of his bicep.She hoped the lime juice on the knife burned like hell.
He released her, took a step back, then stared at the knife sticking out of his arm.
She sucked in a deep breath.“Fuck you,” she screamed at him.
He looked at the customers closest to them staring at him in horror, then he ran through the kitchen and out the back door, three agents running after him while one rushed to her.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine.Go help them.”Aria pointed to the kitchen, but the agent shook her head, kept her gun down at her side, out of sight from everyone out in the bar, and remained by Aria’s side.She tried to catch her breath.
Jax wrapped her in a hug and held her close.“That was too fucking close.”He held her away from him and checked out her throat.
It hurt, but it wasn’t that bad.“I’m fine.”She brushed her fingertips over the sensitive skin.“Was someone shooting outside?”
The agent shook her head.“Firecrackers.Must have been a distraction so he could snatch you and take you out the back.”
Jax put one hand to her cheek.“Call Nick.You don’t want him to hear about this from anyone else.”
She pulled out her phone and, though her hands were shaking, she managed to make the call.
He answered on the first ring.
She didn’t give him a chance to say anything, she just blurted out, “I’m fine.I promise.He didn’t hurt me.”
“Who?”The calm word didn’t hide the intensity behind it, because he already knew what she was going to say.