Page 64 of Wilde In His Arms

“Two agents took her last night.”He sighed.“I hate leaving her with new strangers.She really connected with you and me.I connected with her.”

She understood his apprehension.“Stacy’s been through a lot.I’m not sure how to help her with the trauma she’s suffered.That’s what a therapist will do for her.But she needs more than therapy.She needs someone to love and take care of her, to give her a safe place.”

“I want her to have that,” Nick admitted.“But the only place she’s going to end up after the case is closed is in foster care.”

“Focus on one thing at a time, and that’s putting the bad guys behind bars.She’s safe right now.Go do good things.Make those assholes pay for what they did to those kids.”

“I will.”

She knew he would, because protecting people, taking down bad guys, that’s what Nick did best.But what she knew he needed, what she knew he wanted, was some balance in his life.He wanted a wife and family, like his brother, Mason, had with her sister Lyric.He wanted some happiness, stability, and connection to balance out the darkness he saw at work all the time.

She wanted to be the light and joy in his life.She wanted them to join their two lives, so they could stop wishing to be with each other and actually build a life together.


Chapter twenty-four

MasonwalkedintoNick’soffice with two cups of coffee and a white bakery bag.He and Lyric were staying in Montana a little while longer.Mason had helped Nick and Agent Hayward conduct the interviews with the kids yesterday, going over how they were kidnapped and what had happened to them after.Each of the kids astounded them with their ability to recall the names of the people who’d hurt them and what had been done to them in basic terms.They didn’t have first and last names for all of their abusers, but that’s where the investigation into Javier and his contacts and customers would fill in the blanks.

Today, though, he and Mason would concentrate on Stacy’s case and trying to get Mrs.Lopez to tell them where her son, Javier, was hiding.

“How’s the leg and shoulder?”Mason asked, handing over a coffee cup and the bag.

Nick peeked inside and found a chocolate croissant and a glazed donut.“Thanks.The leg aches and the shoulder sucks.The meds help.”Though both injuries still throbbed and his ribs reminded him that he’d been shot with every breath.

“Sounds about right.Lyric and I are planning on heading home tomorrow, unless you need me to stay.”

Nick shook his head.“I’ve got my interview end of day with IA about the shooting, then I’m on leave.”

“Aria will be happy to hear that.You two can spend some quality time together and get things back on track.”

Nick wished he could just go to Aria.But… “You forget that I have a death threat looming.”

“Fuck.”Mason took a sip of his coffee and eyed him.“So what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to Wyoming.I contacted the realtor and confirmed I closed on the house.I’m going to move in and lie low while Agent Hayward and the team go after Javier.He shot a fed; that means he’s our number one most wanted at the moment.There’s nowhere he can go that we won’t be looking for him.”And with all the resources the FBI was using to find Javier, he’d be in custody soon.

“Good.I want that motherfucker, too.”

Nick appreciated his brother’s enthusiasm for justice.Nick wanted to make sure Javier didn’t hurt anyone else either.He polished off his food, feeling better for it and the caffeine kick.“You ready?”

“Let’s do this.Who’s up first?”

“Mrs.Lopez.”Nick remembered how feisty she was going after him.

Mason rubbed his hands together.“Moms know everything.Let’s get her to talk.”

Nick doubted Mrs.Lopez would cooperate with him after he shot and killed her daughter.But he did have some leverage with her.

They walked down the hall to the room where Mrs.Lopez had been brought after spending another night in a cell.

Nick opened the door and stepped in.Mason followed but crossed the room and took up an intimidating position closer to Mrs.Lopez’s seat.Her lawyer didn’t seem fazed, but Mrs.Lopez eyed his bulky brother with the tattoos and death glare like she was facing her executioner.

He tried for a businesslike tone, even though he wanted to rage at her for keeping those kids in her cellar.“Good morning, Mrs.Lopez.I suspect you had a miserable night on a cot in a cell with your arthritis.I hope you were given your meds this morning and you’re feeling better.”

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.“Like you care.”

“I do care.That’s why I saved the children being held hostage and used as sex slaves by your children.”