Page 53 of Wilde In His Arms

“No.I wanted to be lucid while I stared at my gorgeous girlfriend holding a little girl like she’s her favorite thing in the world, besides me.”

Aria chuckled.“She is a good snuggler.”

“She needs them.”Nick was so glad to see Stacy reaching out to someone for affection after what she’d been through.Kids in her situation lost their trust in others.

But Nick got why Stacy ended up in Aria’s arms.Who could resist her warmth and understanding?

“But soon, it’s going to be my turn.”He held her beautiful blue gaze.

“You took ten years off my life, Nick.You owe me some affection.”

“I will deliver.”He winked at her.

Carly narrowed her gaze.“Not in your condition, honey.You can’t even raise your arm.”

Nick shrugged his good shoulder.“I guarantee I can manage with one arm.”

Carly rolled her eyes.“You just take some time to heal first.”

Nick stared at Aria.“She’s the best medicine I could get.”

Aria blushed, but she never stopped smiling.“I think he’s definitely on the mend.”

Yeah.And he had work to do to protect these kids from the bastard who tried to kill him.“Has Agent Hayward been by?”

Aria glared at him.“Yes.I sent him away.You need your rest.You need to take some time to let what happened to you settle.”

“I’m fine, Aria.”

“Are you?Because I wouldn’t be if someone tried to kill me.”Tears gathered in her eyes and one spilled over her lashes, killing him.

“Baby, please don’t cry.Not when I can’t get out of this bed and hold you.”

The girls scrambled off the bed across the way and immediately went to Aria, wrapping their arms around her.

Nick stared in astonishment.

“It’s okay.”Emma patted Aria’s head.

Nicole squeezed Aria’s hand.“They were going to move us that afternoon.If he hadn’t shown up, who knows if anyone would have ever found us?”

Nick stored away that little bit of information.

Emma petted Aria’s hair again and again.“They were trying to find someone to fix Toby’s arm, but the guy didn’t answer his phone.Some doctor named Pick.”

“Pike,” Nicole corrected.

Stacy woke up in Aria’s arms.“What’s going on?”She looked at the two girls.“Is everything okay?”

“Agent Nick’s awake.”

Stacy sat up with a grin.“You slept a long time.”

“I needed it, like you.”

Nurse Carly went to Stacy.“I think Miss Aria would like to give Agent Nick a big ol’ hug.Let’s get you settled back in your bed.If you’re ready.”

Stacy glanced up at Aria.“Thanks.”