Page 34 of Wilde In His Arms

“You better fucking be.”His breaths picked up.He was close.

So was she.“You feel me.I’m right there with you, my walls clenching your fingers, trying to keep them inside me as my hand works up and down on your cock.I can feel the precum slippery over the head.You and me, we’re so close,” she panted out the words.

“Come,” he ordered, and she heard him gasp and hold his breath as he came.

She pressed her palm to her aching clit, moaned out her release, and sank into the bed.Wrapped in the tangled sheets, completely relaxed but still wanting more.She hummed out her contentment.But as fun and satisfying as that was, it wasn’t the same as having him touching her, him inside her.“I miss you more now.”

“Fuck.So do I.”

They stayed quiet for a few minutes.It was comfortable.Nice.They didn’t have to say anything, they could just enjoy this moment of closeness as their bodies blissed out from their orgasms.

Nick recovered first.“What time are you leaving for Jax’s wedding?”

“About two hours.”

“Send me a picture of you in your dress.I want to see you all dolled up.”

She wished he was going to be there, too.“I will.I should probably get up, have something to eat, and get ready.”

Nick sighed, the sound full of his regret.“If I could be there, I would.”

“I know.”It didn’t lessen the disappointment.

“It won’t be long now.I know it doesn’t feel that way without an exact date, but I swear I’m doing everything I can to close this case.”

“I’m impatient because I want to be with you, but don’t think I’m upset because you’re doing your job.That’s not it at all.”

“It’s as hard on me as it is you.I want to be there.I’m ready to be there.”

That last part convinced her he really wanted this.“I know.I look forward to your calls every day.I’m thrilled when I get a text.I’ll be the happiest woman on the planet when you’re finally here and we can figure all this out.”

“What’s to figure out?We want to be together.So let’s finallybetogether.”

“Yes, well, you’ll still be working like crazy.I work odd hours.We’ll have to figure out when we can see each other and how often.”

“If we lived together, it would make things easier.”

“Or worse.What if you hate that I like everything in its place?And I’m nagging you about leaving the cereal box on the counter.”

“If that’s the worst thing that happens, I’m okay with it.”

She sighed and stared at the ceiling.“You know what I mean.”

“Then I’ll just kiss you until you forgive me and we’re tangled up around each other in bed, where I know you’re not thinking about anything else.”

She liked the sound of that, but there was more to a relationship than sex.“What if we simply still can’t find the time for each other?”

Nick sighed.“Please, Aria, just give me a chance.”

“I will.I just…”

“What?”His impatience came through loud and clear.

“I really want this to work out for us.I feel like it could be amazing if we could just get there.”

“We will.Now, please, go and have a good time with your family.Send me pictures.I’ll try to call you again later, so you can tell me all about the wedding.”

“Do you actually want to hear all the details?”