Nick loved it as much as Aria did.She’d told him about Jax and Layla’s wedding as well as the many others she’d helped her mom and dad set up for guests at the ranch.It turned out better than she’d described to him.
“You ready?”Mason asked before they stepped inside.
“I’ve been ready almost since the day I met her.”Nick walked up the steps and greeted his mom and dad.
“We’re so happy for you,” his mom said, hugging him close.
Nick kissed her cheek, then turned to his dad and hugged him.
His dad put his hand on Nick’s shoulder.“You’re making a beautiful family, son.”
Stacy had his dad wrapped around her little finger.His parents didn’t know what it was like to have a daughter.His three cousins were all boys, too.
“I can’t wait to expand it, too.”Nick would give Aria the year she wanted, then he wanted to work on the next Wilde Gunn addition.
His father squeezed his shoulder again.“That’s what the honeymoon is for.”
His mom swatted his dad’s chest.“Take your time, Nick.Enjoy being together for a while.”
“We will.We want to give Stacy some time to settle in with us, too.”
“I’m looking forward to spoiling her while you’re away.”His mom would happily rain affection down on her the whole time.
He hoped Stacy was ready for all the attention.
More likely she’d talk her uncle Jax into letting her ride her pony again.She’d had her first riding lesson yesterday.He and Aria hadn’t wanted to miss her first time up on a pony, knowing she was going to have this whole next week to help out her grandparents and Jax on the ranch.
“She’s going to be in great hands with all of you.Just be careful not to overwhelm her.”
His mom nodded her understanding.“We’ll take it slow and easy.Now go say hello to your aunt, uncle, and cousins.”
Nick made his way over to Mason, who was between his cousins, Lincoln, Hawk, and Damon.
Hawk came forward first.“Congrats, man.I’m happy for you.”He actually looked it.
“Thanks for always helping out when Mason and I need you.”
“I’m always there for you and the family, bro.”Hawk and his brothers truly were like brothers to them.
Lincoln and Damon both gave him a hug and slap on the back, congratulating him.
“None of you brought a date?What’s with you guys?You can’t work all the time,” Nick teased, knowing he’d been guilty of doing just that.But not anymore.Now he made it a point to be home for dinner.Weekends were family time, unless something truly urgent came up.
Damon groaned.“I’m hardly ever in one place long enough for one date, let alone a follow-up.”Damon traveled around the globe promoting the Gunn Brothers Distillery brand.
Lincoln rolled his eyes.“I don’t want to hear any complaining from the guy who gets texts from every area and country code around the globe asking if he’s free tonight.They don’t even know you’re not even in the same time zone as them.”
Damon grinned.“I hardly ever know what time zone I’m in.But I can tell you where to find the best-looking women in over twenty countries.”
Hawk smacked his younger brother on the back of the head.“Don’t brag when you can’t even remember the name of the last girl you slept with.”
Aunt Donna glared at her boys, then shushed them.“We’re here to celebrate Nick and Aria.This is not some bar where you get to boast about your conquests.”
Damon snickered.“It’s not boasting if it’s true.”
Aunt Donna shook her head at her boys.“One of these days a woman is going to knock you off your feet, like Aria did Nick.Then you’ll know what real love feels like and what it’s like to be with someone who matters.”
“Listen to your mother, boys,” Uncle Mac admonished.“She speaks the truth.You’ll see.”