Page 105 of Wilde In His Arms

Aria leaned into his side so she could talk through the speaker.“I’ll get you a bookcase and you and I will go to the bookstore and pick out books together.”

“I’d like that.”The enthusiasm was back in her voice.“Anne says it’s time for me to do homework.”

“Okay.Keep working hard.We’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Bye, Aria.Bye, Nick.”

“Bye, sprite.”

Stacy giggled when he called her that nickname.He’d be sure to call her that again if she liked it so much.

“Talk soon.”He hung up and thought about how much his life was about to change.

He and Aria would have to start a whole new routine.

“When she moves in, I can get Stacy up for school in the morning, while you sleep in.”He pulled out of the lot and kept talking as he drove them to the airport, so they could fly home.“Maybe you can pick up Stacy after school and get her settled at home.We’ll need a babysitter.Or maybe Stacy could hang out with Lyric while she’s on maternity leave, or stay with your parents at the ranch after school.They’d love to dote on their new granddaughter.”

He turned to her.“The more I think about her with us, the more I want it.”Excitement fluttered in his gut and made him anxious to move things along as quickly as possible.

Aria smiled so big he couldn’t help but smile back.“They’d love that.I can’t wait go shopping and get her some new clothes, everything she’ll need for school.I want everything to be ready for her when she gets here.I want her to see how much we want her to feel at home.”

“She will, because she knows she’s wanted now.She knows we’ll take care of her and keep her safe.”

Every person deserved that, and Nick aimed to make sure Stacy felt it for the rest of her life.

Chapter forty-five

Aria,Nick,andStacywalked up the path to Aria’s parents’ front door.This was their second Sunday family dinner after a judge signed off on their guardianship of Stacy.They’d passed their home visit and interviews.The social worker had given the judge a glowing review, letting him know Stacy would be lucky to have them.Really, they were lucky to have her.

Last Sunday, Stacy had been nervous.She barely spoke to anyone, except Aria and Nick.This time, she seemed more confident and put her hand on the knob and opened the door, just like Aria had done last weekend.This was home.Just like her place with Nick.This would always be a place where she was welcomed and loved.Nick and Stacy were a part of that, too.

It was what they wanted Stacy to feel every time she walked in their door and this one.

Her mom, Robin, rushed to them as they entered.“I’m so happy you guys could make it.”She bent down to Stacy.“Hello.I made you another batch of double-chocolate brownies because you said they’re your favorite.”

Without prompting, Stacy enveloped Robin in a hug.“Thank you, Grandma.”

Robin’s eyes glassed over and she held Stacy close.“Oh.Well.You’re more than welcome.”

Stacy stepped back and smiled, though she clenched her hands in front of her like she didn’t know what to do with them.

Aria’s dad, Wade, moved closer, keeping some distance because Stacy had been especially shy around him and her brother, Jax.

Stacy took a step closer to him.“How is the baby cow that got sick?”

Wade dropped to a crouch and pulled out his phone.He swiped the screen, then turned it to Stacy.“I took a picture of her this morning.She’s doing just fine.Back with her mama.See?”

Stacy took two more steps closer to him for a better look.“She looks much better.She’s so cute.”

“Hey, munchkin, do you have a hello for me?”Jax bent forward and held out his fist.

Stacy bumped, then shied away and backed up into Nick, who kept close to her because he knew how hard it was for Stacy to relax in big groups.

Lyric was sitting at the table, her hand over her baby bump.“Want to feel the baby kick?”

Stacy rushed over and threw her arms around Lyric, then put her hand on Lyric’s belly.Stacy let out a squeak.“I felt her, Auntie.”

Mason walked over to her, looming large like all the other men.But Stacy didn’t shy away.