Page 30 of Wilde In His Arms

Nick handed him his card.“Email it to me.”Nick took the piece of paper the guard had written his name and cell number on.“My guys will call you as soon as they get here.Thank you for your help and discretion.”

“No problem.Should I notify Dennis about what’s going on?”

“If I asked you to keep this quiet, would you?”

“I’ll wait for your guys to show.”The guard looked up at Nick with concern.“Do you think something bad happened in that room?”

“Yes, I do.”

The guard shook his head, dismay in his eyes.“These people get away with all kinds of shit because they’re rich and think they can do whatever the hell they want.You want to bust one of them for being a prick, be my guest, but tread carefully with Julia.She’s a good employee, nice to everyone, and a hard worker.Don’t mess things up for her.”

Nick gripped the guard’s shoulder.He couldn’t promise anything right now.“Thank you for your help.”

“Let me know if you need anything else.”He turned back to his screens, then back around again.“Hey, you think Julia has something to do with that guy?”

“I’m not sure.It’s just strange that he’s in a room he shouldn’t be in and she probably knows he’s not supposed to be there.”

“It could be as simple as her just trying to keep her job and not upsetting one of these assholes.”

“Maybe.”He didn’t think so.He wanted to know why she took that cart all the way down to the employee parking lot.What had been in it?Drugs or…something.Maybe someone.A small someone.

Nick’s gut soured.He hated to think about what that meant if it was true and he hadn’t done anything to stop it.“Thanks again.”He left before the guard could ask more questions.

The second he stepped out of the hallway and into the lobby, Dennis spotted him from across the room.Nick dismissed him with a nod, then made his way to the young man who’d helped him into the back earlier.“Did you see a guy leave in the last ten minutes?Six feet, light brown hair, barrel-chested, wearing gray slacks and a white dress shirt.”

“Mr.David just left.”

“Is David his first name?”

He shook his head.“No.Gilbert David.”

“What kind of car does he drive?”

The guy by the valet station perked up.“An Aston Martin Valkyrie.Sweet car.Rare.Dude doesn’t appreciate it.There was what looked like chocolate stains on the passenger seat.”

Nick hated that his thoughts turned dark and he thought of some kid in that car with that guy and his volatile temper.

But he didn’t know if that was even true.Maybe a girlfriend or his wife was eating in the car and made the stain.Maybe it was his own kid.

Nick didn’t know and it was eating him up, the things he was thinking and couldn’t do anything about until he had some evidence to follow.

He turned to the reception desk people.“Thank you for your help.”And just as Dennis was closing in on him, he walked out the front door and headed for his car.When he got to the employee lot, he looked around at all the cars and the empty space closest to the door.

What did she take out of the cabinet with her?He’d find out.

Chapter eleven

Ariasatontheflannel blanket on the grass at the park downtown by Mark’s office.He’d asked her to meet him for lunch, technically her breakfast.Their second date.

She felt guilty for not canceling because Nick was really trying to show her he wanted her back.

But she had a hard time disappointing Mark after she accepted this date at the end of their last one.Maybe they didn’t have the kind of chemistry she and Nick shared, but she could at least give him a chance.Some relationships took time.

He’d packed lunch for both of them.A lovely charcuterie board with summer sausage, ham, salami, three kinds of cheeses, crackers, olives, and fresh strawberries and grapes.He’d even made them mimosas with some orange, peach, mango juice, and a mini bottle of champagne.For dessert, he’d brought a decadent New York cheesecake.The whole meal had been different but so yummy, and she was stuffed.They’d been enjoying the sunny day and each other’s company.They talked a bit more about his job and family.She talked about the new suspense book she was reading and how she couldn’t wait to be an aunt.

Mark put his hand over hers on the blanket.“And what about the bar?How’s that going?”

She didn’t mind the contact, but missed the zing she usually felt when Nick touched her.Like their connection was charged.