Page 102 of Wilde In His Arms

They climbed into the car, determined to do exactly what she asked of them, and what they promised they’d do: make her theirs.

Aria couldn’t wait.She loved her life.Having Nick made it infinitely better.And now they had a chance to raise Stacy as their daughter.Life really couldn’t get any sweeter.

She couldn’t wait to call Stacy her daughter.

Chapter forty-four

Nickwalkedintotheholding area, Aria right behind him, where Stacy’s father was locked up.Karl sat at a scarred table with his lawyer, knowing exactly why Nick was there.Nick had spoken to the lawyer yesterday, letting him know that he’d planned to speak to Stacy and offer her a life with a family who would protect and care for her to their dying breath.

I’m going to be a father.

That thought had run through his mind a thousand times since yesterday.Thoughts of what that meant crowded his mind, the awesome responsibility weighing on him, but not deterring him in any way.He welcomed the job.He wanted it.He was excited to see Stacy grow into herself.

He thought about all the things they could do together.School functions.Camping trips.Visits to his family.Little things like having breakfast and dinner together, grocery shopping, doing homework, watching movies, and introducing her to new things.A whole life where he was Dad and she was his little girl.Which meant he’d have to make time for those things by prioritizing her and Aria.How could he not when he wanted to be there for all those things.

He couldn’t wait to have her with them, to take her to school, to teach her how to do things, to kiss her skinned knees and banish the imaginary monsters from her nightmares.He couldn’t wait to be there for her firsts, whatever they might be, like riding a horse.He’d be the one to walk her down the aisle to the person she loved.

But first, she’d be the flower girl at his and Aria’s wedding.

“Should I be worried that you look so damn happy?”Dark circles and two days of beard scruff didn’t help Karl’s wrinkled, gaunt face.The man looked like he’d been rode hard and put away wet.

Nick stepped into the tiny room, holding Aria’s hand, noting two of the three lights overhead were burned out.This place felt oppressive and dreary.Nick took the lead, because he’d been there to help Stacy take her father down for what he did to her.“You’re going to thank me for what I’m about to tell you, because you owe Stacy after what you did to her.This will not erase the pain and suffering you’ve caused her; it won’t even get you her forgiveness.But maybe…just maybe…she won’t hate you every day for the rest of her life.One day, she might even have a kind thought, that you did this for her, to make her happy, and then she’ll go on with her day and probably never think of you again, because she’ll have people in her life who matter.Who take care of her.Who love her so much, the thought of ever hurting her breaks their hearts.”

Karl looked to his quiet lawyer, then glared back at Nick.“What do you want?”

“I want you to relinquish your parental rights and allow me and my fiancée to adopt Stacy.We will help her through this terrible time, help her to heal, all while we give her the love and family she deserves.”Please say yes, you prick.Do this for her.Nick wasn’t leaving until he got that yes, no matter what.

Karl perked up.“And you’ll drop the charges?”

Of course that was his first thought.Selfish asshole.

Karl grinned at his lawyer, who didn’t say anything.

Aria practically growled under her breath.

This was Nick’s show.He’d already spoken to the lawyer and had him draw up the papers on behalf of his client.All Nick needed was his signature.Was that too much to ask for his daughter?To do one good thing forher?

Nick narrowed his gaze on the dirtbag.“You broke the law and that little girl.”

Karl winced.But that tiny bit of remorse wasn’t enough.

“You don’t get a free pass.But this is your chance to do something selfless.For her.The question is, are you man enough to do it?Do you deserve that title of father?Will you sacrifice for your only child, simply to give her a better life than the one you brought her into?”Nick stared him down, daring him to be the selfish prick he’d always been so Nick could hurt him.Oh, how he wanted to punish the fuck out of this asshole.

But he also hoped that Karl would finally, for once, do the right thing by Stacy.

All he had to do was find that one shred of decency inside him.

Karl sat back heavily in the plastic chair and hung his head.“I never meant for this to happen.”

Nick’s hands clenched into fists.“Bullshit.You knew what you were doing when you handed her over to that deviant prick.You knew what he wanted and you hand-delivered her to him without a thought to the damage he’d inflict.You were supposed to keep her safe.You were supposed to protect her.You were supposed to take a bullet for her and you didn’t.You betrayed her in the worst possible way.You did it to save yourself an ass-kicking you more than deserved.And all for what?Money.A forgiven debt.A lifetime of nightmares and pain for her.”

Karl crossed his arms on the table, laid his head down on them, and silently wept.

Nick rolled his eyes at the lawyer, who simply shrugged.The court-appointed lawyer probably saw this shit all the time.People being regretful after the fact.After they’d ruined someone else’s life with their careless deeds.

Nick sighed, just trying to get through this without sinking to Karl’s level and doing something he’d regret if it cost him adopting Stacy.“You let her go once.All I’m asking is that you do it again, only this time for the right reasons.Aria and I can give her the life I hope you once thought you wanted for Stacy.A home.A mother and father who would do anything for her.An extended family of aunts and uncles and cousins.Grandparents who will spoil her, not look the other way when she’s being abandoned and hurt.”

Nick gave Karl a moment to think about that, to imagine the life Stacy could have.“You know this is the right thing to do.Make it easy on her.For us.Because even if you say no, I will still make it happen.It will just take longer to get her out of foster care and permanently placed with us.Don’t put her through that, Karl.She needs you to do right by her this time, to show her that she matters.”