“Deal,” she agreed.
Paper rustled as we unwrapped our presents.
“Oh, H,” she said, revealing the necklace that I’d gotten her. It was a delicate silver chain with a compass rose pendant that had four tiny opals for each direction. Her birthstone. “It’s so beautiful.” She stroked the pendant while I was trying to find the words for what she’d given me.
It was the brand-new ereader that I’d been coveting for ages. The one I had was old and janky and barely held a charge, but I hadn’t been able to justify getting a new one.
Danny’s present was definitely over the budget limit we’d set for each other, and I was speechless.
“I wanted you to have it,” she said, as if she’d anticipated my argument. “I got it on sale.”
“You did not.” I knew she hadn’t because I’d had an alert set to let me know when the company was having sales and therehadn’t been any that significant to make the present affordable. She’d even got it in my favorite shade of pink.
“Fine, I didn’t. But I’m not sending it back.”
“Fine,” I acquiesced.
Danny let out a bark of laughter as she fumbled with the clasp on her necklace. “That was fast. I knew you couldn’t resist it.”
“Let me help,” I said, holding my hand out for the necklace. Danny gave it to me, turning around so I could drape it around her neck and fasten the clasp.
“How does it look?” she asked, facing me. The chain was long so the necklace rested just above her breasts, exactly as I hoped it would.
“Perfect,” I said, diving forward and kissing her, pushing her back on the bed.
“Holiday,” Danny scolded as I kicked the wrapping paper off the bed and shoved my present to the side.
“Now it’s time for your second present,” I told her with a grin.
She raised one of her eyebrows. “Second present?”
“Yup. I just need to unwrap you first.” My fingers went to the tie on her pants and she let out a breathy little moan that turned me on so much that I almost came right then and there.
“I think I’m going to love this present,” she said, her voice already dazed with lust. I couldn’t wait to absolutely wreck her while she wore the necklace I gave her and nothing else.
“I’m just getting started,” I said, pushing at the hem of her shirt.
Eventually we madeit out to the party, but not until Danny had put on a different outfit and we’d both cleaned up in thebathroom. She held my hand as I walked on wobbly legs out to join everyone else and eat too many cookies. Both of us tried to ignore the knowing looks and comments, but honestly, they weren’t so bad. Danny wouldn’t stop looking at me and I knew because I couldn’t stop looking back at her.
“You two are sickening,” Michael said, but he was literally sitting in his husband James’s lap while Raquel and Kevin played with Nicholas on the floor. No doubt there would soon be two grandchildren in the family if Carol had anything to say about it.
“I’m just so happy to have all my children happy,” Carol said, wiping her eyes again. She’d cried so many tears of joy today that I was almost worried about her.
“Hey,” Danny said, nudging me and pointing to the window. “You got your wish.”
It was snowing.
Jumping to my feet, I grabbed Danny’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go for a walk.” I needed to move after eating so many cookies. Not too many. There was no such thing, not in my experience.
Danny laughed at my haste as we shoved our feet into our boots and put on our coats and hats and gloves.
“It’s beautiful,” I said when we stepped outside. “Come on.”
I didn’t have to tell her where we were going. She knew.
We walked, gloved hand-in-hand, to the elementary school where we’d met so many years ago.
“Want a push?” she asked as we strolled around the playground, stopping by the swings. I couldn’t count how many hours of recess we’d spent on these swings. They’d been replaced, of course, but they were still in the same place.