Page 7 of Loving Justice

Without hesitation, Tribe left the room, closing the door behind him.

Using a remote control, Kent closed the curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting the room in shadows. This was his move when he wanted to be romantic.

Kent’s smile stayed firm. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Justice?”

“You should already know since you said you knew I’d show up,” she said stoically.

“Right.” He smoothed his forefinger and thumb down his smooth chin as if debating his following words. “Your sister came to you with her outlandish accusations, right?” He eased his slender frame back into the plush cushion and stretched his long legs, hooking his bare feet on the edge of the coffee table. His button-down shirt gaped, showing off the skull tattoo that covered his chest.

“You showed her the photos of you and me.” She held his gaze, not allowing herself to look away. “This must stop. We’re not together. What we had is history.”

“I didn’t want to show her, but I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t do it to hurt you—”

“And yet, you still did what you wanted without considering the outcome.”

His smile slipped. “We can talk this over—”

“The days of talking are over.”

“You look fantastic. Stunning.” His gaze sparkled with admiration. “Good enough to taste.”

Had he even heard a word that she said?

An image of them together in his bed nestled at the forefront of her mind. Shame burrowed into her bloodstream, making her shift uneasily and cross her legs. She couldn’t believe she’d ever listened to a word that came out of his mouth.

“I like knowing I can still make you squirm,” he said in a slow, confident tone.

He misunderstood her restlessness.

“I didn’t come here to revisit what we shared.”

“Are you sure? We certainly did have sexual harmony.” His eyes traveled a heated path down her body, lingering on her legs exposed in the knee-length pencil skirt. The thin material of her silk blouse was little protection against the interest of his gaze. He finally brought his attention back to her face.

“I’m sure,” she said firmly. “I came because you crossed a line.”

“That’s all you’re here for? To smack my hand for misbehaving.” There was no surprise in his poker expression. “I remember once upon a time you enjoyed when I was bad.”

He was exceedingly arrogant.

“I’m here to warn you that if you don’t stop harassing me and my family, you’re going to see a side of me that you won’t like.” Why did her words sound so weak?

A second passed, and he chuckled. “You’re cute, but sweetheart, we know who will win in a fight between a lamb and a lion.” He plucked at an invisible piece of lint from his black pants.

"Never underestimate a lamb, especially when she holds information that could ruin the lion." She’d rehearsed her words the entire ride from the restaurant. She had leverage and would use it if it came to that.

She got his attention. There was a flash of curiosity in his green eyes.

“Are you threatening me?” he said smoothly.

She uncrossed her legs and laid her palms on her thighs. She knew this wouldn’t be easy. “You can no longer hold the photos, or what we shared, over my head as collateral. What you and I had is over. If you cared for me, even in the slightest, you’d let this go.”

He seemed to contemplate her words before the blank expression returned. “You’re a smart woman, Justice. You understand that a man of my…caliber must take certain precautions.”

She squinted. “Precautions? Is that what you call having intimate photos of me and using them as blackmail? That’s not only a dick move but very illegal.”

He swung his arm over the back of the sofa. “Blackmail? Who said anything about blackmail?”

Anger surged within her. She couldn't tolerate his cunning any longer. "You threatened Freedom that if she accused you of poisoning her horses, you'd exploit the photos for personal gain."