Once the barn door opened, a sliver of light from outside flooded in, bringing realization to what he’d just shared with Justice.
His breathing was still labored as he watched her run up the path. Her hair caught in the wind, and the hem of her dress floated around her toned legs.
What the hell?
What did she need to tell him?
Maybe it was time they both confessed and laid everything on the line.
With a sigh of concern, he reached for the used condom, dragged it off and shoved it into his pocket to dispose of. Something caught his attention. He grabbed the strip of pink fabric. Justice’s panties. He shoved them into the other front pocket.
Stepping outside, he knew it was time he revealed that he’d taken the photos at the restaurant of her sitting with Downs. He had to take the risk and tell her everything before someone else did.
Chapter Eighteen
Justice always had a sense of walking into the lion’s den when she stepped foot into Kent’s house. This time was no different.
“Where’s Tribe?” Justice asked when Kent answered the door.
“He’s here.”
She wasn’t sure if that was an advantage or not. She’d never liked the arrogant bodyguard, but being alone with Kent felt riskier. “I’m here. What do you want me to know?”
“Let’s not rush, shall we?” He closed the door.
"Just wait a little longer. I had the chef whip up some of your favorite dishes." He gently placed his hand on her back, but she pulled away. "My apologies. It's just a habit."
As they entered the beautifully decorated dining room, with flickering candles and a lovely table set for two, she felt uncertain about this meeting and regretted her decision to come even more. She was curious about what could potentially unfold.
He lifted the dome off one plate, revealing filet mignon covered in a rich mushroom sauce and mashed potatoes. Unfortunately, her stomach growled in delight.
“Please, have a seat. Let’s talk over dinner.” He went to sit at the head of the table.
Reluctantly, she sat down and covered her lap with the cloth napkin. Although her mouth salivated, she didn’t cut into her steak. “Can we please skip the dramatics?”
He didn’t begin eating either. He continued to stare at her.
After several seconds, she grew impatient. She stood and tossed her linen onto the table. “Fine. I figured this would be a waste of time.”
“Sit, Justice. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
With agitation setting into her bones, she dropped back down. “Then tell me why I’m here. What needed its own stage to divulge?”
The side door opened, and Tribe entered the dining room. He carried an envelope in his hand and placed it in front of Justice.
“That’s yours,” Kent said. When she didn’t make a move to open it, he sighed. “It won’t bite.”
She realized she couldn’t trust him one iota.
Taking the thick folded paperwork out of the envelope, she unfolded the document, reading the wordDeedat the top. The address was for the Meadow Farm property and her name was on the ownership line.
"I'm a bit confused," she expressed.
"This is the deed to the house. I purchased it and made sure it was in your name. I even expedited the paperwork. It's fascinating how resources can swiftly overcome obstacles when you put your mind to it!"
“I’m not sure what to say.” She laid the paper back onto the table.