All humor disappeared from his features. “I would have given you the world, Justice.” Then, just as suddenly, he sobered. “Now I’m giving you a parting gift. Call it a going away present.”
“You’re leaving?”
“I am. I have business that is taking me to Texas for a year. Will you miss me?”
“Don’t push it, Kent.”
“I tell you what, you come to dinner, a half hour at tops, and I’ll throw in whatever Intel I have.” He wagged his brows. “And all those photos you’ve been dying to get your hands on.”
Was he being truthful?
“How can I trust you?”
“You can’t, but I no longer have use for them. So, do we have a deal?”
“Your minute is up.” She turned and walked toward the door. Her hand was on the knob when she heard him say, “Tonight. Nine o’clock. Don’t be late.”
“Do you think she’ll come, boss?” Tribe asked.
Kent stood at the window watching Justice make her way at a fast pace down the cobblestone walkway to her car. He wasn’t a man with a lot of emotion, but he felt a penetrating ache in the center of his chest. He guessed he wasn’t broken after all. “She’ll be there. Justice is a lot of things, but she isn’t stupid. Just make sure we have all the proof.”
“Are we all ready to take a peek at the house?” Vanessa announced in her loud voice as she came sweeping back inside.
Dragging himself away from the window, he said to the agent, “I’ll take it.”
Her too-thin brows popped up over her glistening eyes. “Shall I fax over the offer?”
“No doubt the owners will accept. They’re motivated to sell,” she said in an animated voice that rubbed Kent the wrong way.
“My attorney will handle all the details. He’ll be in touch within the hour.” Kent headed for the door, ready to leave the premises.
“You’ll love the place. I’m sure.”
“It’s not for me. I’ll be putting the deed into Miss Rose’s name.”
He heard the agent gasp in shock as he stepped out into the sunlight. Everyone believed he was a monster. In his own right, hewasa monster. Yet, he cared a great deal about Justice.
He slipped his sunglasses on and told Tribe, “It’s going to be a lovely day.”
Chapter Seventeen
The excitement in the air was palpable, and she felt thrilled at her heart's direction. Sometimes, clarity comes from the most unexpected moments.
She wanted to see her husband. She needed the connection that only he could offer.
She parked near the stables at Sagebrush Rose Ranch and climbed out of her car. She slammed the door and took a step but stopped mid-stride. She was caught by the sight across the pasture. Jinx was mending a fence, and shirtless. His torso glistened in the evening sunlight. She wanted to deny the sensation building between her thighs, but it was a force to be reckoned with.
The sun had started to set, casting a golden glow on the land. This was her favorite time of the day, and she usually liked to take a ride.
Friday night meant most of the crew had left to work out their end-of-the-week restlessness at Mav’s, so she wondered why Jinx was still working. He was still on restrictions and guessed he just wanted to be on the land. A hardworking man always wanted to be out working the land.
Jinx dropped the hammer and reached for his shirt hanging off the fence. Instead of dragging it on, he used it to wipe away the sweat from his brow.
Justice felt a familiar tingle spread from her nipples to her groin. Who could blame her? Jinx was tall, lithe, muscular, and had the prettiest baby blues she’d ever seen. But there was more to him than just his physical good looks. He wasn’t like all the other cowboys. Jinx was quiet, stayed focused on hard work and no one on the ranch ever had to ask him to do anything because he was already doing it. Justice admired that.