Page 41 of Loving Justice

This wasn’t what Jinx wanted to discuss, but now that the can was popped, he had no choice. “Sir, I haven’t told anyone, and I won’t, but don’t you think your daughters would like to know?”

Vulnerability shone through Sam’s usual tough façade. “When I got the news about the cancer, I didn’t think of myself. Hell, I’ve faced bigger challenges and fears than death. I can’t say I’m sad about finally seeing my wife again.” His chin quivered, but he quickly gained composure. “I just hate the thought of leaving my girls. I know forcing them into marriage must seem like a cruel thing to do, but I know it’s the right thing to do. They’re so fiercely independent that not one of them thinks they need someone. They do, though. They will. Especially when…” His words trailed off.

“I understand, Sam,” Jinx said. He felt a lot of emotion for the man larger than life.

“You don’t. Not yet, but maybe one day you will.” Sam’s smile was weak.

“There’s something I need you to know, sir.” Jinx swallowed against the constriction in his throat. “I’m not marrying Justice because you asked me to. I’m marrying her because she makes me feel something I’ve never felt. She makes me want to have all those things in life that I wasn’t sure I’d ever be granted.”

Moisture filled Sam’s eyes, but he blinked and the rigid mask returned. “I sort of had that feeling.” He stood. “Just understand though. I might not be what I used to be, but you harm one hair on her head and I’ll make my way back from the grave to make you pay.”

Jinx stood. He and Sam were close in stature, but the old man had something Jinx hadn’t reached yet. A seasoned regal bearing that came with age. “I wouldn’t expect any less, Sam. You have my word that Justice is safe with me.”


“You’re so pretty.”

Justice offered Ilene a smile. “And so are you.” The teen looked so beautiful in the dress she and Justice had picked together. The pale pink brought out Ilene’s olive complexion. Justice had wanted Ilene to feel special today at her brother’s wedding, so Justice had hired a stylist to do her makeup and Ilene and Ness’, too. “And your makeup is on point.”

“Do you think Jinx will get mad because I’m wearing so much?” She stopped in front of the full-length mirror and gave the hem of her dress a subtle twirl.

“I think he’ll be okay since it’s a special occasion. This is a wonderful day for all of us. Not only am I marrying Jinx, I’m gaining a sister.” Justice felt the sting in the back of her eyes. Although she was all on board with marrying Jinx, she couldn’t deny that this wasn’t the wedding she had envisioned for herself. She imagined wearing a lace dress with her hair in an updo and her sisters serving as her bridesmaids. A reception full of dancing and laughter. Throwing the bouquet and having one of her sisters catch it. Sharing cake and laughter.

There would be none of that today.

She had only invited her daddy, and not even one of her sisters. She couldn’t bear to have them see her marry for convenience. They had seemed to drift apart lately, busy with their own lives. The closeness they once shared had seemed to fade.

She’d picked out her dress just yesterday. She’d stopped at a bridal shop in the city and picked one off the rack. It had the lace she wanted, a simple cut, and the hem landed at her knee. It was simple but pretty. The stylist had done an excellent job with her hair and makeup. She had to make the best of things.

“I don’t think I’ll ever wash my face or hair again,” Ness said as she came rushing into the room. “I look twenty years younger.”

Ilene giggled. “You don’t even look like yourself.”

“Is that a compliment?” Ness patted Ilene on the shoulder. “You look like a princess. And so do you,” Ness said to Justice. “Jinx better not ugly cry.”

“My brother? Cry? Not happening,” Ilene scoffed as if the mere idea were comical.

“Maybe not, but he certainly is a lucky man. You’re both lucky.” Ness’ eyes filled with tears, and she used a handkerchief to dab at the corners of her eyes. “I jinxed myself. The wedding hasn’t started, and I’m already boohooing.”

“I loved meeting Andi and it was so nice of him to come to visit. You two will be next,” Justice said with a wink.

Ness blushed. “We shall see.”

“I like him,” Ilene added.

“Now that’s a step in the right direction.” Ness beamed.

Justice looked from Ness to Ilene, listening to them tease each other about one thing and another. They would be family after an hour. She already cared for them both. Without a doubt, her life was about to change. When they were told about the wedding, they seemed happy and content, especially Ilene. She and Justice had become fast friends—fast sisters. They’d spent time shopping and eating ice cream while watching Hallmark movies, and Ilene had even shown interest in taking an art class. Ness had joined in on the fun. A few nights ago, they’d had a spa day where she and Justice bonded over mimosas and seaweed facials.

With all the excitement, Justice could momentarily forget that this wasn’t an average marriage. She and Jinx barely knew each other, and yet she looked forward to getting to know him better.

They would be living at the main house for a while, until they found somewhere to move. Justice had one of the guest bedrooms redecorated with everything that should make a teen feel welcome. Justice and Jinx didn’t want to enlighten Ilene on the details of the marriage of convenience, so when they told her the news, they explained that it was fast, but they were happy. Aunt Ness might have had her suspicions, but if she did, she hadn’t mentioned them. She seemed wrapped up in her own fairytale romance.

“I’m going to go see my brother. It’s my job to make sure he’s dressed right,” Ilene said.

“Good idea. Make sure he’s not getting cold feet.” Realizing how her words might be taken the wrong way, once Ilene left Ness said, “I didn’t mean that he has cold feet and doesn’t want to do this.”

“It’s okay. He might have cold feet. I think it’s normal.”