Jinx made her feel uneasy, but not in a negative sense. Since she’d been helping him, she found that she looked forward to seeing him. She wondered if his hair was as thick and silky as it looked. Did his muscles feel like thick cords or defined roads that she could follow with her fingers like a map? She wanted to trace the inked lines and curves of his tattoos.
Sweat beaded on her temples.
He looked remarkably attractive in a rugged sort of way. His hair touched his collar and curled at the ends. He had a full beard, and his white T-shirt fit snugly against his broad chest. He lifted his gaze and she pretended to be staring at his food.
She thought he might have said something in response to her question about Lanah, but Justice didn’t remember or care. Lanah always seemed to have her foot in some cowboy’s door.
“Dinner’s not much but Dolly’s not here.”
“It looks good to me.” He picked up the ham sandwich that she’d cut into triangles and chomped down.
“Care if I sit?”
She sat down and laid her clasped hands in her lap. Why was she so nervous?
“Did you want something besides coffee?” She searched for small talk to ease the tension.
He stopped with the sandwich mid-air as if he started to realize there was more to the conversation. “Coffee’s fine.”
“I ran into Doc Lafferty. He said you can start putting some weight on the leg.”
He stuffed his mouth with the remaining few bites and then swallowed a large gulp of coffee. “It’s feeling much better. I’ve tested it. Seems to be working just fine. I’m more than ready to get out of this damn bed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for all that you and your family have done, allowing me to stay here and Dolly making me the best meals I’ve ever had but I’m fit to be tied. I like working, not staring at four walls.”
She nodded. “I can relate.” Although she couldn’t. She’d never been injured and been on bed rest. “I mean, I can guess that it’s very boring. But don’t rush it. You don’t want to land yourself back into a longer recovery.”
He popped a chip into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “You know, it’s okay. You don’t have to babysit me. That probably must be very boring for you.”
“Oh.” She swallowed. “I’m not babysitting you. I’ve enjoyed our time together. There’s something I wanted to discuss with you.” She was working up to offer to have Ilene come and live at the Rose house. After their conversations since he’d been injured, Justice felt like this would be an answer to all the problems.
One thick brow arched over those remarkably hazel eyes. He lifted the tray and placed it on the bedside table. “I’ve enjoyed our time together too. And there’s something I need to speak to you about also.”
She stood. “There is?”
He appeared somewhat disoriented. “I’m not the best at communication. You might have already figured that out.”
“I think you communicate fine.”
‘I’ve enjoyed our time together.’
She felt her nipples press the lace material of her bra. ‘I have too.’
“I realize I’m just a hand.”
“Why don’t you just say what’s on your mind?”
“I think you're beautiful, and I've wanted to kiss you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
She stood there processing his words. Truth was, she’d wanted the same. It didn’t matter that he was a hand. They had chemistry and it couldn’t be denied.
“Are you going to say something? Did I overstep?” His lips thinned.
“N-no.” It wasn’t what she’d expected but she wasn’t mad. “We’ve spent a lot of time together over the last few days.”
“You’ve kept me from going stir-crazy staring at the walls.”
He looked much healthier now that his injury was healing fast. If she examined her own feelings, she’d developed them for Jinx. He was more than just a handsome face. He was kind, gentle, and could have deep conversations.