“It’s what you do to me. You make my palms sweat.”
The corners of her mouth lifted. “How are you feeling? Pretty good?” She started cleaning his non-injured leg.
“I feel pretty damn amazing.” He followed her hand as she moved the washcloth down his leg. He whistled through his teeth. “You’re good at this. You missed your calling.”
“My calling?” She laughed. “Bathing people is my calling?”
“Nursing people. It was worth getting gored to have this compensation.”
“As flattered as I am, I’m sure you’d rather have not come face-to-face with Misdemeanor.”
He blinked. “Has anyone ever told you that you look like a goddess?” He should have shut up, but he couldn’t control his tongue.
“No, they haven’t.” She kept her gaze on his leg.
“They should have and often.”
She’d moved her attention to his injured leg. Her cheeks were flushed. Her bottom lip quivered. He’d never been more turned on.
“When I was a kid my mom would kiss my boo-boos,” he muttered.
She brought her gaze up, humor turning her eyes to diamonds. “Yeah? Are you asking for me to kiss your leg?”
“Nah.” He chuckled, feeling very good. “I want you to kiss my lips.”
She dropped the stained rag into the water. “And why should I do that?”
“What if I don’t make it? I’d be a happy dying man knowing I got a kiss from the woman I have a hankering for.”
She stared back at him, but now there were two of her, and he couldn’t focus on either.
He saw her move, guessing getting as far away from his high ass as possible, but instead, she leaned over him, their gazes locking. “You need some rest,” she said in a whisper. Then she kissed him, not a lingering, romantic kiss but a quick tormenting peck. “Sleep tight.”
Then she was gone, and he fell into the awaiting arms of sleep.
Chapter Nine
Two days later.
Jinx looked down in irritation at his injured leg, which was bandaged from his ankle to his thigh. He missed being out on the ranch, working hard, and hated being stuck inside the Rose Farmhouse being taken care of like a child.
“I know the bedrest is nipping at your heels, Jinx, but have some patience. A wound like this needs to heal before it’s messed with.” Doc Lafferty pulled off his stethoscope and dropped it into his medical bag.
“I’d like to get approved to travel so I can go home. The Roses have been great the last few days, but I’d like to recuperate at the farm.” Jinx was grateful, but he didn’t want his crew or Justice to see him as worthless as a bedbug.
Doc Lafferty seemed to consider the request. “You’re almost there. I just don’t want you to overdo the movement.”
“At least tell me I can get rid of that thing.” Jinx jutted his chin toward the bedpan. He was grateful that his room had a bathroom so he could wobble there. Doc told him he was restricted to bedrest but pissing in a pan was where Jinx drew the line. He’d rather grow a third eye than have Justice empty his bedpan. It was difficult enough that she changed his bandage. Good thing her touch was the best damn reward for being stuck laid up in bed.
Some of the crew had come up and played some cards out of pity.
On a positive note, he and Justice had grown closer. She’d forgiven him for making an ass of himself while he was under the influence of pain meds.
The injury hadn’t affected his dick. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d had a hard-on during her visits. Whether she was brushing her fingers through her hair, smiling, or just simply shifting and exposing a bit more of her toned legs, he’d been like a schoolboy bursting the seams in his crotch. He’d never experienced anything close to this with anyone else.
Doc Lafferty laughed. “I can do you one better, son. You can walk yourself to the bathroom, as you already have been considering the bedpan is as clean as a whistle, and maybe even go outside to grab some Vitamin D, that is, if you don’t feel any pain. If you can handle the easy task of walking a short distance, then I’ll approve you to travel. Just remember not to overdo it. That can be easy to do. Justice told me you’ve been refusing pain meds.” Concern made deeper wrinkles appear around the seasoned man’s eyes.
“It’s tolerable.”