Page 18 of Loving Justice

“We’re locked in. You’re not afraid, are you?” Her eyes lit with determination.

“I think I can handle myself. I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”

Justice was back on the bull, her grip firm on the reins and her stance confident. As the bull surged forward, it challenged her balance, but she quickly regained her composure, looking strong and determined. Suddenly, the bull bucked side to side before jerking up. Her grip loosened, and her feet slipped from the stirrups, sending her landing onto the mat. The bull eventually came to a grinding stop.

Undeterred, she sprang to her feet, a spark of grit shining in her eyes as she shook Jinx’s hand. “Congratulations!”

Lanah came running up and wrapped her arms tight around Jinx’s neck. “Great job, cowboy,” she cooed.

"Thank you." He extricated himself from her firm hold and looked around for Justice, but she was no longer there.

“Would you like to celebrate?” Lanah flipped the ends of her hair over one shoulder.

“Sorry, but can I get a rain check?” Justice had promised him a drink, and he was eager to follow up on that invitation.

Disappointment marred Lanah’s features and her bottom lip protruded in a perfect pout. “I’m not going to wait forever, cowboy.”

But her words fell on deaf ears because he’d already turned his attention back to the crowd.

“Looking for my sister?” Hope asked from where she sat at the bar.

He started to answer but caught himself. “Maybe.” He didn’t want to lie but he didn’t know if the truth would be proper. Then again, Sam had mentioned that he wanted Jinx and Justice to marry.

Hope smiled. “Outside. Something tells me she’s not planning to drink that bottle alone.”

He stepped outside and scanned the parking lot, feeling relieved when he spotted Justice sitting atop the hood of his truck.

“I do owe you a drink,” she said, holding up the whiskey bottle when he approached.

“I thought you might have changed your mind.”

“When a Rose makes a promise, she sticks to it.” She hopped off the hood. “I rode with Hope and I’d like to get out of here.” Her bright blue eyes seemed to reach in and kidnap his soul.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere. Everywhere,” she said with a wag of her brows. “Are you up for some adventure?”

Jinx realized then he needed to tread carefully. Although Sam had practically given his blessing that Jinx marry her, he also didn’t want to find himself on the wrong side of the ranch. Being near Justice was like playing with fire. Yet, he couldn’t tell her no. “I haven’t been on an adventure in forever.”

“Ready then?” Something in those two words had written an entire chapter that spoke of promise and seduction.

Something about her smile made his heart do all sorts of tricks. He walked around and opened the passenger door for her. “Climb in.”

After being a gentleman and ensuring she was safely inside with her seatbelt clicked into place, he walked around to the driver’s side.

“Where to, Miss Rose?” he said when he was seated.

“Have you ever heard of the Sagebrush Rose Ranch rite of passage?” Her face was illuminated. “It’s one of the best experiences around.”

He was pretty sure he was looking at the best experience. “I haven’t, but something tells me I’m about to be schooled.”

“Drive, cowboy. “She slipped off her boots and propped her feet up on the seat. “Take a left out of the parking lot and drive to Graveyard Road.”

Although he’d been in Sagebrush Pine for a year at least, he didn’t get out much and wasn’t familiar with all the backroads. “Isn’t that close to the ranch?”

“Near.” She tucked the unopened bottle between her thighs, and Jinx felt a strong urge to put something else in that spot. His dick tested the restraints of the zipper.

They drove silently for the next five miles, listening to Gary Allen's familiar tunes. She sang along, and he thought she had a melodic voice.