Concern came over Justice. “Of course. What is it?”
“I’ve written something, and it will be published—”
“Wait a second.” Justice went rigid when she saw Kent Downs. Her heart slammed against her ribcage. “Sorry, Hope…I-I…”
“You look like you saw a ghost.” Hope then saw what had grabbed Justice’s attention. “What ishedoing here?” Hope didn’t bother holding her disgust.
Kent Downs never visited Mav’s, because it wasn't his vibe. He preferred to patronize the richer establishments where his lap dogs hung out. “Good question.”
“That man rubs me the wrong way. He is likely here because he has been asked to leave his usual haunts. The snake.” Hope grimaced.
Justice remained silent. When Kent’s beady gaze narrowed in on her, she realized why he’d come to Mav’s. Her stomach twisted. He wouldn’t dare speak to her.Would he?
When he started her direction, she wanted to flee. It took all her inner control to remain rooted on the stool.
“Hello, Justice and Hope.” Kent showed off a row of sparkling white teeth.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Hope said in exasperation.
Justice had a lot to say but her tongue wouldn’t work.
What was he up to?
“What a charming place this is,” he remarked in his slow, smooth drawl. “So delightful and quaint.”
Justice had to remind herself that one slip of irritation could fuel Kent’s fire. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“I cannot do this,” Hope whispered in Justice’s ear. “I’m going to the restroom and purging myself of the bullshit.”
Once Hope was far enough away that she couldn’t hear, Justice leaned in slightly toward Kent “What are you doing here?” His presence had caught the attention of people sitting nearby.
“I just felt the urge to hear some country music.” He sat on Hope’s abandoned stool.
Justice didn’t want to make a scene or draw more attention than they already had. Townsfolk couldn’t wipe the sweat off their brow on a Monday night without gaining the rumor mill's attention. A few of the crew members, including Jinx, were watching. The temperature rose and she felt sick. With a stillness she was faking, she faced the devil. “You’re not welcome here,” she whispered.
Kent laughed. “So the Roses own Mav’s now?”
“You know why you’re here and it’s unacceptable.”
“Would you like to dance?” No sign in his expression said that he was joking.
“No, thank you.”
“Just one itty bitty dance. If I remember correctly, you like to swing your hips.”
“Not if your life depended on it.”
“Excuse me,” came the familiar voice behind her.
Kent’s gaze tapered. Curious, Justice turned on the stool and her knee struck Jinx’s thigh.
"Justice." Throughout all the months that Jinx had worked at the ranch, he had never once approached her or said her name. Yet, she knew he was coming to her rescue. While she didn’t need anyone to save her, he couldn’t have arrived at a better moment.
“Jinx.” She didn’t even bother introducing him to Kent. She didn’t know if the men knew each other, and she didn’t care.
“Care to dance?” Jinx asked.
“I’d love to.” She slid off the stool, feeling Kent’s heated gaze on her.