Page 51 of Chasing Liberty


“Liberty.” He stopped the truck in the middle of the road and shifted to face her. “I’m not attracted to Kaitlynn. We’ve already had this conversation. Too many times.”

“If we weren’t married, maybe you’d be interested?”

“But wearemarried, and I haven’t thought of Kaitlynn as anything other than a friend. I understand this beef has gone on a long time between you and her, but there’s one thing you can trust, I’m not into her.” He turned and pressed the gas to start the truck back onto the road.


“What do you mean why?” he sighed. “For a smart woman, sometimes you can be nutty. Being married means something to me.”

“I forced you into this marriage.” She stared through the window.

“If you really think that then you need your head checked, sweetheart. There’s not a single person out there that can be forced to do something they don’t want to do. I made a choice, and I don’t regret it.”

“Okay. You’re right.”

“Are you sleepy because you seem tired?”

She turned her cheek, looking at him. “No, not really.” She heaved a gentle sigh.

He reached over and took her hand. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”

“Thank you, Wyler, but everything is okay.”

Although his instincts warned him that she was hiding something, he didn’t want to pressure her. He’d learned early onthat she wasn’t the type to give up her secrets easily or allow a man to sweep in and take care of her troubles.

Both fell into silence. The only sounds were the gentle hum of the engine and the repetitive murmurs of the tires on the pavement.

He took the road leading to the cabin.

“Shut your eyes,” he instructed.


“Just do it,” he said softly.


He glanced at her. “No peeking.”

“Then hurry because this is a weird feeling.”

He chuckled and parked the truck, shutting off the engine. “Don’t move. Keep your eyes closed. I’ll come and get you.” He slid out of the driver’s seat and rounded the truck to open her door. He helped her out, making sure he had a safe grip on her hand and waist.

“Don’t let me fall.”

“Sweetheart, never.”


“What? Am I hurting you?”

“No. I think I got bit by a mosquito. Can I open my eyes now?”

“Patience.” He led her to a place near the steps. “Okay. Open them.”
