Needing a break from the scene, Liberty stepped outside to breathe in the cooler evening air. Relishing the breeze that washed over her, she closed her eyes a moment. The band’s tunes wafted out to mingle with the symphony of night sounds. The sun had dipped below the horizon and the velvet cloak ofdarkness had covered the ranch in a mosaic blanket. The night had come alive with strains of the guitar.
Liberty reveled in the peace she found out of the crowd of townsfolk.
Until she heard…
“Mind some company?”
Liberty groaned at the sound of Kaitlynn’s voice. Could there be no relief of the woman?
“I was taking a break. Is there something I can do for you?” Liberty didn’t bother keeping her tone irritation free. Her patience with the woman had run its course.
Kaitlynn looked up into the starlit sky and inhaled sharply. “I love this time of evening. Everything is so peaceful. It’s a lover’s time.”
“Something tells me you didn’t come out here to admire the stars.” Liberty just wanted to get this over with. She was smart enough to see the train wreck a mile away.
“I didn’t,” Kaitlynn said, facing Liberty. “There’s something I’m curious about. It’s been rolling around inside my head for a few weeks now. You’re a no-nonsense woman so I’m guessing the truth won’t hurt.”
“Spit it out.”
“You and Wyler…I’m a bit lost on where you two are.”
Liberty snorted. “And that’s any of your business how?”
“It is my business, Liberty. Wyler and I are friends—”
“You can stop right there. Don’t belittle my intelligence. We both know that you have your lasso ready to snag him the moment he shoots out of the gate.”
Katlynn hooked her thumbs into the front pockets of her jeans. “You’re right. I think we need to have a woman-to-woman conversation. I do like Wyler. A lot. For a sliver of a moment, I thought he liked me too, and then you reeled him back into that sticky web of yours. I’m just curious. Is this to spite me?”
It took Liberty a moment to wrap her head around what the woman was saying. “Kaitlynn, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Nothing—especially regarding my husband—has anything to do with you. I think it’s time you and I did have this conversation. Wyler and I arestillmarried. I think you should take your curiosity and put it in your back pocket instead of announcing it to the entire town that you want to sink your claws intomyhusband. It’s embarrassing. It’s ridiculous. Nice chat.” She brushed past Kaitlynn as she made her way back into the barn, but she didn’t make it far.
Chihuahua Katy bit at Liberty’s heels.
“Really?” Kaitlynn’s voice rose above the clapping and cheering of the dancers. “We all know you have no intention of keeping Wyler around. He’s a plaything. A current amusement until the next handsome cowboy comes along. You Rose sisters are alike. Wyler is too good for this scenario. He’s too good for you. I’m just here to let you know that when he gets smart and calls it quits, or you grow tired first, I’m going to be there to pick up the pieces and glue him back together. We both know that won’t be long, judging by your track record.”
Irritation made every soft hair on Liberty’s body stand to attention. She turned and retraced her steps to face the woman who had the impudence to smile. “I wouldn’t hold my breath. If I were you. You see, Wyler and I are having a baby.” When Kaitlynn’s jaw dropped, Liberty should have felt validated but instead more anger washed through her. “Yes, you heard right. I’m pregnant.”
“I-I didn’t—”
“No, you didn’t. Just for the record, keep your hands off my husband. Do I make myself clear?”
With Kaitlynn’s stiff nod of agreement, Liberty turned and stomped away. She swiped her gaze from left to right until she found Wyler standing among a group of men. Feeling a bitfeisty, she marched into the center of the circle and looked him directly in the eye. “Hi!”
“Hi,” he said with a startled expression.
She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on him that stunned everyone around them. Hoots and hollers sounded as she pulled back, keeping her gaze connected with his. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse us, I’m stealing my husband for the egg pass.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the silenced men. Stares remained on them, but she didn’t give a care in the world.
“What the hell has gotten into you?” Wyler asked, his eyes still wide.
“Are you complaining?” she said saucily.
“Not one bit. I like those greetings. I want more of those.” His smile spread from one ear to the other. “I thought you said you didn’t want to do the egg pass?”
“I’ve changed my mind. A lady can do that, you know.” She signed the signup sheet, grabbed a raw egg and two plastic spoons from the table, and handed Wyler one. “Have you ever done an egg pass before?”
“Nah, but it seems pretty cut and dry.”
Liberty gave Kaitlynn a side-eye as she passed the table to fetch an egg “There’s a certain technique.”