“I decided I didn’t get enough.”
“What do you want, Lacey? Or should I say Penelope” When the woman’s expression shifted slightly, Liberty said, “Yeah, I know who you are and the entire story.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that you deserve to pay for what you did to Reggie.”
“Ronaldis a scammer. Both of you are. I won’t give you any more money.” Liberty stood her ground. “Ronald will pay for what he’s done. You should leave because he will be in jail a while.”
“Oh, you didn’t hear? He was released on a technicality.”
Liberty felt her world turn upside down.
“Hello, Liberty. Long time no see.”
At the sound of Reggie’s voice behind her, Liberty slowly turned. His hair was to his shoulders, he’d grown a thick beard, but his eyes, they were still penetrating. Her stomach plummeted into her bare feet. “Get out of my house,” she seethed.
“Wouldn’t that be your lucky day if I allowed you to command me away. However, you and I have an issue we need to resolve.”
“We have nothing to say to each other.”
“That was all grand until I was arrested. Now I need more money,” he said as casually as if he were asking for a drink of water.
She wouldn’t back down. He stepped deeper into the room and Liberty took a step back, but the cold metal of the gun that pressed against her shoulder stopped her. “You won’t get away with this.”
“We just came for enough money to help us get out of the country. Give us twenty grand and you’ll never see us again,” Reggie said,
“I’ve heard that before.” She wanted to pick up a chair and throw it at his head.
“But this time I’m telling the truth.” He snickered.
“Go to hell!” she pressed through tight lips.
Lacey gave Liberty a push. “Bitch, don’t play with us.”
“Do you both actually believe I keep piles of cash laying around?”
“I told you this wasn’t a good idea,” Lacey told Reggie. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Give me the gun and you search the place.” He took the weapon and held it, aiming it at Liberty’s head.
Lacey sighed and reluctantly made her way out of the kitchen.
Liberty could hear the woman rummaging through the back bedroom. “She won’t find anything, Reggie. I’m telling the truth.”
His gaze lowered to the ring that belonged to Wyler’s mother. “Give me the ring.”
“It’s not worth anything.” But it was worth the world to her. When Wyler had given it to her during their renewal of vows, as the family watched, she’d felt proud that he had wanted her to have it as a token of his love.
“Let me be the judge of that. Now hand it over.”
She had to protect the baby that she carried. It was best to do what Reggie wanted, but she didn’t have the money to give him.
Her hands were shaking as she slipped the ring off her finger. “You want it? Here.” She held it in the center of her palm
He started to grab it, the gun lowered slightly, and she gave the ring a toss over his head, He tried to catch it and she saw her chance. She ran for the back door, practically tearing the door off its hinges as she pushed through the screen door. She couldn’t tell if it was her heart pounding or footsteps behind her,until a hand snaked through her hair and threw her down onto the grass warmed from the sun. She looked up into the fuming face of Reggie.
“I’m pregnant. Please don’t hurt me or my child.”
For a moment she thought she reached a softer side of him, but she’d been wrong.